Lubbock to Dallas

Cross Country
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2015

Day 33. Pretty average day, you can tell the trip is coming to a close. We had ambitions of getting up early, getting coffee, and a good breakfast. All of this came crashing down, we actually left late. We got up around 8:30, which is when we wanted to leave. I ran to Starbucks, grabbed us a few coffees and by the time I came back Dave was almost ready to go. Once, we were packed we said our goodbyes and we were off.

We stopped at a place to get some lunch, Wholly Burger, I believe it was called. The food was really good, but it took longer than expected to get the food. Anyway, after that we kept driving to Dallas, We arrvied around 3:30pm. This is definitely the nicest AirBNB we have stayed at thus far. No, this isn’t a knock at any of the other places, it’s just that this place is….

It’s a FOUR story townhouse…

It only cost us $119 for the night. The owner was actually heading out of town so it was ours for the night, pretty cool. Anyway, we went to the JFK museum that basically tells about his life and assassination. We went back to the house and the fun began.

We ordered food from Grub Hub at 7pm, it was supposed to come at 9pm. By 10pm we still had no food. We called and I guess the order got lost?… We then resorted to using Dominos and it was pretty damn good. Now, I have nothing but praise for the chain that saved our dinner. We watched Netflix and soon called it a night. A long near eight hour drive awaited us for tomorrow.

Go to to see videos from the trip.

