Washington DC

Cross Country
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2015

Day 41. Today was our last full day of our epic road trip adventure, so if you’ve read the last 40 posts thanks for sticking with us!

Today was the day to explore the nations capital. David and I have both seen DC before, but it’s never a bad place to be. We were staying with David’s cousin Larri and his wife Ro. I think I mentioned that in the last posts?… Anyway, we got up, had breakfast and were out the door. Larri drove us to the White House while he went to play some Ultimate. We met up after he finished. By that time we had seen the White House, the Washington Monument, and the Jefferson Memorial (note to everyone the Jefferson Memorial is not near any of the other monuments, even if it looks close to you, it probably isn’t).

Dave at the Jefferson Memorial

After touring some monuments we went to lunch at a local favorite (just kidding), Shake Shack. Mainly because, who doesn’t love Shake Shack? We got some burgers, shakes, and crinkle cut fries. After eating lunch we headed out to see the Capital building. We got a tour, and then quickly hustled over to the Library of Congress. We were pressing for more time. We made our way over to the Holocaust museum. It was now 4ishpm and the museum closed at 5pm. We walked around for a bit, snuck into an exhibit and then called it a day as far as sight seeing.

Supreme Court

We headed off to dinner at Cafe Deluxe in the Georgetown district. We walked around G-town for a bit and then sat to eat. We were joined by David’s other cousin RJ and his girlfriend Charlotte (both who joined us for lunch at Shake Shack). We finished our meals and then who else but Peter Olson showed up. This was planned, but Peter was running late so he didn’t get there until we were all done eating, but thats ok. We all walked to get dessert, Peter caught the train home, and we took a quick drive down Embassy drive, Mass street? I don’t know what it’s called. The street with all the Embassies. Does that help?

We got back to the house around 9/10ish? We settled in and went to bed shortly after.

Watch videos from the trip at YouTube.com/FortySixFilms

