Galry | 4.17

Noelle Schwarzenberg
Cross Create
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2017

There is one place in downtown Gaithersburg you are sure to find a budding photographer with latte in hand, or some young creatives swapping ideas over a black coffee. This month, we partnered with Barking Mad Cafe in Gaithersburg, Maryland to spread appreciation for everyday artists.

Barking Mad is a coffee shop that embraces creativity — every aspect of its business brand praises originality and ingenuity. Therefore, the cafe is an attractive spot for the artistic community to find refreshment and work on projects.

The Barking Mad Cafe server counter (can you find the Galry cards?)

Barking Mad Cafe is helping us encourage creative talents by stocking Galry promotion cards around the venue. We envision the cafe becoming one of the springs that the local creative community flocks to for inspiration (and good coffee), and Galry’s association with the cafe will help create a web of support for everyday artists.

We are hopeful that many local art-lovers and creators will join forces with Galry to encourage the everyday artists around them. The artists featured on Galry’s Instagram page have an audience of 104, and we are excited to see this number grow!

We placed stacks of Galry cards around the cafe

Thank you for giving up some of your own resources to support artists in Gaithersburg and beyond. We hope you feel the significance of the impact you are making.

A closer look at the Galry card

You can join the impact at

At Cross Create, we create social projects that tackle important problems people face around the world. You can join one of our social projects (like Galry) to watch your $10/month make an impact each month.

