Venture U | 5.17

Noelle Schwarzenberg
Cross Create
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2017

We are excited to report the completion of our second Venture U workshop in Uganda! It took place at St. Peter’s Bweranyange Secondary School in the Kamwenge District (the same district as the school we visited in April). If you remember, the area is mostly rural and has some of the worst poverty levels in the country.

The students from St. Peter’s Bweranyange Secondary School who attended the Venture U workshop

Our Venture U project manager, Andrew, led a workshop for 60 students at the private day school. We wish you could see their enthusiasm in person! Many of the students promised to start their own businesses with the skills they gained from the workshop. And not just students — one of the teachers said Venture U helped him with the business he already runs.

The exterior of the school building

As with the school we visited in April, many people move long distances to attend, and some of the students are orphans. One student told us he earns money to pay his school fees by digging gardens. He said Venture U gave him the confidence to expand his entrepreneurship into other areas. We can’t wait to see what he and the other students accomplish!

Andrew teaches the Venture U workshop to students

From the students of the Kamwenge District: thank you for your continued support!

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