Terius Behind Me Prospective → abated enthusiasm

Cliff Kang
Cross Cultural Entertainment
3 min readOct 25, 2018
Go Ae Rin’s daughter + Kim Bon (aka Terius)

So…4 episodes in, this show hasn’t been completely set up, yet, hah. The basic premise is supposed to be that an agent teams up with a housewife towards a common goal. Though, it looks like the team up is going to happen next episode, but…still, 4 hours in and it still hasn’t happened!


Since the main action hasn’t really started, there honestly isn’t much to say. There’s the Kim Bon is a traitor to the country, but it looks like he’s trying to get revenge on the person who killed the woman he had (finally) loved. Then, that’s interconnected with the “housewife helps him investigate” storyline.

King-Castle Information System ftw!

The best part of this show so far has been the “secret agent” being a male-nanny plus the side ensemble of stay-at-home moms + dads. But, I can’t really see them playing more than a bit part in the main story…even if it’s the more enjoyable part.

Go Ae Rin + kids

There are a lot of great moments with Kim Bon & the kids; fun, chaotic moments that portray the difficulties of being a stay-at-home parent. It helps to create light, comedic moments that fosters an interesting contrast from when he’s doing all his secret agent action stuff…but is it doing anything more than that for this story?

Like, the best I can expect is that the “King-Castle Information System” (KIS), the network of parents, will help out with the investigation in interesting ways. One example is where one of the mom’s obsession with beauty and plastic surgery gives the characters the fact that the enemy has had plastic surgery “even though he was good looking pre-surgery”.

Secret agent boredom, an oxymoron…

(L → R) Kwon Young Shil, Shim Woo Chul, and Ra Do Woo

The cast on the “secret agent” side hasn’t really stood out much, besides Kim Bon’s character. If anything, I’ll make a bold guess and say that Shim Woo Chul will be the “surprise” towards the end as the ultimate bad guy?

The story just has not drawn me in quite yet, but…I’m going to give it two more episodes before making a decision on whether to keep watching it or not, cause I do want to see Go Ae Rin and Kim Bon team up.

Dangerous romance?

Just a quick aside. It also seems like they’re pushing Go Ae Rin & Kim Bon together (romantically), but…Go Ae Rin’s husband was like, just murdered? Yes, a lot of what drives this show is very contrived, but…this particular slowly-accelerating train just feels odd to me.


I feel like this show was marketed more as an action comedy drama, but so far, it feels like a comedic show with some minor action driving parts of it. It has some enjoyable moments throughout, but I just don’t feel led by the story at all…it’s just all over the place right now.

It’s saving grace is that it’s been fun, in moments…but if the story doesn’t start carrying its part, I’m not sure if the comedy will be enough to make it worth watching. I see little glimmers of hope that they can pull it through, but the part that worries me is that the writer’s other work, Shopping King Louie, had some potentially similar problems where I just got tired of the story & characters…

Oh, and the action sequence filmed in a foreign country: 👍 👍 👍! So Ji Sub definitely shined in that part!!

OVERALL: 7.5/10

  • STORY: 7.0/10
  • DIRECTING: 7.5/10
  • LEAD Actors: 8.0/10
  • SUPPORTING Cast: 8.0/10
  • MUSIC: non-descript for the moment

You can watch this here!


