Love to me

To Love or not to Love

Q Stanley
Cross Over


To me, love is none other than
That which arises a natural and unconditional bond

Love is dimensionless
Love has form manifest in self
Love’s purpose for being is Love
Love spontaneously alights its own flame

For to love another way
Is To not love but rather play
Love is not to fall into
Love is not be in
Love is not to earn or receive
Love is not to show or about the right timing
Love is a way of life
Yet it is not just that
It is simply being.
You cannot become love by reading a book
Or thinking about feelings experienced in the heart

Love mirrors our soul in its purest form
Love is not for our intimacies of sex
But intimacies of consciousness
It is the catalyst for righteous thinking
Righteous words and righteous deeds

Love reflects me in you
Because I love you
I love to love you
And I be to love you
I am love and you my beloved
My be loved love
In a dimension of understanding
That surpasses the idiosyncrasies of ego
And strengthens our lives

Finally love is not ours to keep
For it burns in us a flame reminiscent of the eternal mind
Which expands in us replacing self with the divine.

To love or not love



Q Stanley
Cross Over

Conscious, adventurous, sense of humor and introverted. A scientist for life who steps outside the box.