What is Truth

Q Stanley
Cross Over
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2014

Truth Is.
Truth is the principle that governs creation while love is the reason.
Neither can’t exist without the other.
Wisdom is the sum and can only be awakened within, it cannot be taught or found without.

We often think of truth as facts or information that lacks human subjectivity. Truth is objective reality, which is impossible for humans to experience since we are subjective beings. Therefore facts and scientific knowledge are the means by which this truth is conveyed. Each human has a dependent origin, truth has independent origin and purely objective.

Truth is the matrix of existence.
Life is truth animated through love.
Truth is not fact.
Truth is not information.
Fact refers to something indisputable.
Information is a series of facts provided or learned about something or someone or an event.

Fact or information are means by which truth is communicated with language, similar to how the brain represent the physical medium through which we experience thought.
Truth is like the core of an onion, and each layer of which presents facts and information.

For example, the cosmological constant is a fact which implies heavily that the universe is not a mere random occurrence but that is was designed. However, some science advocates in an attempt to avoid the subsequent implication of a designed universe having a designer continue to avoid the objectivity of that fact and provide their subjective reasoning(quasi-) to disprove intelligent design.

The sages ave said, that Truth is eternal, profoundly unknown to man, and that the first step is approaching truth is in knowing oneself.

The question answers itself. “What is Truth”, that is to say, Truth is constantly asking to he known, and these means(facts/information) by which we are becoming aware of the truth continues to evolve as we understand more in science and human experiences.



Q Stanley
Cross Over

Conscious, adventurous, sense of humor and introverted. A scientist for life who steps outside the box.