Advanced Features on CrossFi’s AMM, Slippage Control, and Dynamic Trading Fees.

Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2024

CrossFi is building a revolutionary DeFi platform that is pioneering the use of Automated Market Making (AMM) mechanism to provide unparalleled liquidity and facilitate efficient token swaps.

At the heart of CrossFi’s AMM is a mathematical formula that governs the relationship between token prices and the available liquidity. This formula, known as the Constant Product Market Maker (CPMM) model, ensures that the product of the token reserves remains constant. When a user wishes to swap one token for another, the AMM mechanism adjusts the token prices in real-time to maintain this constant product, effectively providing liquidity on demand.

The beauty of CrossFi’s AMM lies in its ability to automate the market-making process. Unlike traditional order-book-based exchanges, where market makers must manually manage buy and sell orders, CrossFi’s AMM eliminates the need for this labor-intensive task. Instead, the platform’s smart contracts continuously adjust token prices based on the available liquidity, ensuring that trades can be executed seamlessly and efficiently.

One of the key advantages of CrossFi’s AMM is its ability to maintain a high level of liquidity even in the face of volatile market conditions. By using the CPMM model, the platform can automatically adjust token prices to incentivize liquidity providers to contribute their assets to the liquidity pools. This, in turn, ensures that users can always find a counterparty for their trades, regardless of the market’s fluctuations.

Moreover, CrossFi’s AMM mechanism offers remarkable flexibility. Users can contribute a wide range of token pairs to the platform’s liquidity pools, allowing for a diverse range of trading options. This diversity not only enhances the overall DeFi ecosystem but also provides a more robust and resilient trading environment.

To further strengthen its AMM offering, CrossFi has implemented advanced features such as dynamic trading fees and slippage control. These features enable users to customize their trading experience, ensuring that they can execute their transactions at the most favorable rates while minimizing the impact of market volatility.

advanced features of CrossFi’s Automated Market Making (AMM) mechanism

Dynamic Trading Fees

One of the key features of CrossFi’s AMM is its dynamic trading fee structure. Unlike traditional exchanges with fixed trading fees, CrossFi’s AMM adjusts the fees based on market conditions and the size of the trade. This dynamic approach serves several purposes:

  1. Incentivizing Liquidity Provision: When the liquidity in a particular token pair is low, CrossFi’s AMM will automatically increase the trading fees for that pair. This provides a stronger incentive for users to contribute their tokens to the respective liquidity pool, helping to improve the overall liquidity.

2. Mitigating Market Impact: For larger trades, the AMM mechanism will increase the trading fees to account for the greater impact the trade will have on the token prices. This helps to prevent significant price slippage and ensures a more efficient trading experience.

3. Optimizing User Experience: By adjusting the trading fees in real-time, CrossFi’s AMM aims to strike a balance between providing reasonable trading costs for users and maintaining a healthy, well-functioning liquidity pool.

Slippage Control

Slippage, the difference between the expected price of a trade and the actual price at which the trade executes, is a significant concern in DeFi trading. CrossFi’s AMM addresses this issue through its advanced slippage control features.

  1. Slippage Tolerance Settings: Users can set their preferred slippage tolerance level, which determines the maximum acceptable price deviation they are willing to accept for a trade. This allows users to customize their trading experience and manage their risk exposure.

2. Automated Slippage Adjustment: In addition to user-defined slippage tolerance, CrossFi’s AMM also dynamically adjusts the slippage allowance based on market conditions and trade size. This helps to ensure that trades are executed at the most favorable rates possible, even in volatile market environments.

3. Transparent Slippage Reporting: The platform provides users with detailed information on the actual slippage experienced during each trade, enabling them to make informed decisions and monitor the impact of their trading activities.


CrossFi’s Automated Market Making mechanism is a game-changer in the world of DeFi. By automating the market-making process and providing a robust and flexible liquidity solution, CrossFi is paving the way for a more accessible, efficient, and inclusive decentralized finance ecosystem. As the DeFi landscape continues to evolve, CrossFi’s AMM stands as a shining example of the innovative solutions that are driving the future of decentralized finance.

