Cross-Chain AMMs and DePIN-Powered Liquidity Provision on CrossFi DEX

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4 min readJul 9, 2024

The emergence of cross-chain automated market makers (AMMs) has unlocked new possibilities for seamless asset exchange and liquidity provision across different blockchain networks. At CrossFi, we are leading the change that has pioneered the integration of cross-chain AMMs and a novel approach to liquidity provision through the use of Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN).

Overcoming the Limitations of Single-Chain AMMs

Traditional AMMs, such as Uniswap and Curve, have been instrumental in driving the growth of DeFi. However, these AMMs are typically confined to a single blockchain ecosystem, limiting their utility and accessibility for users and liquidity providers (LPs) operating across different networks.

CrossFi’s cross-chain AMMs address this challenge by enabling the seamless exchange of assets between various blockchain protocols, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, and Solana, among others. This cross-chain interoperability not only enhances the user experience but also expands the liquidity pool, allowing traders to access deeper and more diverse trading pairs.

Introducing DePIN-Powered Liquidity Provision

At the heart of CrossFi’s cross-chain AMMs lies a revolutionary approach to liquidity provision — the Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Incentivized Network (DePIN). This innovative mechanism enables liquidity providers to contribute their assets to the platform in a secure and decentralized manner, without the need for traditional centralized custody or third-party intermediaries.

The DePIN framework works by incentivizing individual users to become “node operators” within the network. These node operators are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the liquidity pools, verifying transactions, and ensuring the smooth operation of the cross-chain AMMs. In return, they are rewarded with a portion of the trading fees generated from the platform, creating a win-win scenario for both the platform and the liquidity providers.

Key Benefits of DePIN-Powered Liquidity Provision

1. Decentralized and Secure: By eliminating the need for centralized custody or third-party intermediaries, DePIN-powered liquidity provision enhances the security and decentralization of the CrossFi platform, aligning with the core principles of DeFi.

2. Incentivized Participation: The network’s ability to reward node operators with trading fees incentivizes users to actively participate in the maintenance and growth of the liquidity pools, promoting a sustainable and self-governing ecosystem.

3. Enhanced Liquidity: The combination of cross-chain AMMs and DePIN-powered liquidity provision allows CrossFi to attract a diverse pool of assets and users, leading to deeper and more liquid trading pairs across multiple blockchain networks.

4. Improved User Experience: The seamless integration of cross-chain asset exchange and the decentralized nature of liquidity provision simplifies the user experience, making it more accessible for both traders and liquidity providers.

How CrossFi Ensures Security and Decentralization with DePIN

The DePIN framework employed by the CrossFi platform is designed to ensure the security and decentralization of the platform through several key mechanisms:

1. Decentralized Custody: By eliminating the need for centralized custody or third-party intermediaries, the DePIN framework removes the single point of failure and the risks associated with centralized control of user assets. Liquidity providers retain control and ownership of their assets, which are secured through the decentralized network.

2. Peer-to-Peer Architecture: The DePIN network operates on a peer-to-peer model, where individual users can become “node operators” and participate in the maintenance and verification of the liquidity pools. This decentralized architecture ensures that no single entity or group can exert unilateral control over the platform.

3. Incentivized Participation: The DePIN framework incentivizes users to become node operators through the distribution of trading fees generated by the cross-chain AMMs. These rewards encourage users to actively contribute to the network’s stability and growth, creating a self-sustaining, decentralized ecosystem.

4. Consensus Mechanism: The DePIN network employs a robust consensus mechanism to validate transactions and ensure the integrity of the liquidity pools. This consensus mechanism, which may be based on established protocols like Proof-of-Stake or Proof-of-Authority, relies on the collective participation and validation of the network’s node operators, further enhancing the platform’s decentralization and security.

5. Transparency and Auditability: The decentralized nature of the DePIN framework ensures that all transactions and pool activities are recorded on the blockchain, providing transparency and enabling external audits to verify the platform’s security and compliance with decentralized finance principles.

6. Resilience to Attacks: By distributing the responsibilities and control across the network’s node operators, the DePIN framework increases the resilience of the CrossFi platform against potential attacks, such as 51% attacks or other forms of malicious interference. The decentralized nature of the network makes it more challenging for any single entity to disrupt or compromise the system.


CrossFi’s innovative approach to cross-chain AMMs and DePIN-powered liquidity provision represents a significant step forward in the evolution of decentralized finance. By addressing the limitations of single-chain AMMs and introducing a decentralized and incentivized liquidity provision model, CrossFi is poised to drive the widespread adoption of cross-chain DeFi solutions, empowering users and liquidity providers alike to navigate the multichain landscape with ease and confidence.

As the DeFi ecosystem continues to grow and evolve, the CrossFi platform’s integration of cross-chain AMMs and DePIN-powered liquidity provision stands as a testament to the innovative spirit that drives the decentralization revolution.

CrossFi is a cross-chain protocol that provides liquidity for Filecoin staking and rewards.

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