Automated Personal Email

Brian Holub
Pursuit of Excellence
2 min readApr 19, 2013


Hey {Insert Reader’s Name},

Guess what… there’s no such thing as automated personal emails. No one is fooled, and you’re just diluting your real messages that you actually want people to read.

Impress your clients, care for them.. take 2 minutes to write them an ACTUAL personal email when you have something to tell them.

{Insert Coach’s Name}

The very nature of automation is removing the person from the process.

There are a lot of things that should be automated, but trying to automate what people expect to be a personal experience can very quickly give the opposite impression.

An example:

People don’t usually treat CrossFit like 24 hour fitness; they aren’t going to continue to pay $150 or $200 a month to not show up. So it’s important to motivate people to stay consistent, for their own good and for the good of your business.

Maybe you want to automatically send emails out to people when one of your members has been MIA for 2 weeks. We think this should be a personal message. And trying to write a personal template to fool people into thinking you’ve sent them a personal message is even worse!

Imagine going on vacation for 2 weeks; you tell your coaches about it, but at the end of the trip you get an email saying “Hey [Insert Name], we haven’t seen you in a while, what’s up!?” Emails from your coaches in the future are now diluted because you know they might not really be from your coaches.

WODTogether focuses on providing you with important information. We have an “MIA” report that lets you see who’s been missing, and then generate a contact list to act on… but it’s your job to execute. If you’re “too busy” to do the little things, maybe you’re not running your business as efficiently as you could; maybe you’re using the wrong tools.

