CrossFit Open Week 5 Day 2

Steven Maitlall
CrossFit Rise Above WODs
1 min readMar 20, 2017

The back squat is the most effective exercise in weightlifting for building basic strength, particularly of the legs and trunk.

Pre Warmup

2:00 Couch stretch, each side

Wrist Mobility Work


30 Triple Unders
30 Double Unders
100 Single Unders

If you’re comfortable with DU, Start at TU
Otherwise, start at DU and work down the list


3 Rounds

20m Sled Pull (stationary, long rope)
20m Burpee Broad Jumps
10 Strict Pull Ups
10 Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squats

2 stations
- Sleds/Broad Jumps
- PU / Split Squats

Split the class to start at one of the two stations


Front Squat (3 Every Minute for 7:00)

Rx+ 225/155
Rx 205/145
Scaled 155/110
Bootcamp KB Goblet Squats


7:00 AMRAP
3 Chest-to-bar
5 Squat Cleans

Add 1 C2B every round

Rx+: Bar Muscle Ups, 155/110
Rx: Chest-to-Bars, 135/95
Scaled: Pull Ups, 95/65
Bootcamp: DB Squat Cleans


7:00 AMRAP

9 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Deadlifts
21 Toes to Bar”

Same weight for DL from the last workout.

Scaled/Bootcamp: Knee Raises

