Week 3, Day 1

Steven Maitlall
CrossFit Rise Above WODs
1 min readJun 4, 2017

A healthy post-workout meal can help your body make the most of the work you put in at the gym.

Pre Warmup

Neck Release

Lat release


5:00 AMRAP
15 Push Ups
15 DB Push Presses
200m Run


20 Snatch Grip Push Presses (Behind the neck)
20 High Pulls from Power Position
20 Transitions from Below the Knee hang to Power Position
20 Hang Snatches

Emphasize tension — this is not an easy warmup.

Exaggerate positions and extension


Power Snatch + OHS ((2 + 1) Every 0:90 for 6 Sets (9:00))

2 Power Snatches
1 OHS (3s hold)

75% of 1RM or heavier than last week.

Consistency and efficient barbell movement is the focus. Create power and find stability


5 Rounds
20m Front Rack Walk (205/145)
20 Pistols

From the ground.

If that’s too heavy to clean, then you’ll use two heavy KBs in the front rack.

Don’t be afraid to squat clean a heavy weight to get it up.

20m Sprint
20 Air Squats

