Week 3, Day 5

Steven Maitlall
CrossFit Rise Above WODs
1 min readJun 8, 2017

The process of learning new skills contributes to your mental health.

Pre Warmup

Plantar Fascia Release


6:00 Alternating EMOM

7 Wall Balls (20/14) to (12’ / 10’)
7 Strict DB Presses (30/20)


Power Jerk + Jerk ((2+1) Every 0:90 For 9:00)

2 Power Jerks
1 Split Jerk

Focusing on agressive extension and speed into the catch with immediate lockout.

75% of 1RM or as appropriate to work on movement mechanics


12:00 CAP

21 Thrusters (95/65)
21 Pull Ups

15 Thrusters (115/80)
15 Chest to Bar PU

9 Thrusters (135/95)
9 Bar Muscle Ups


1mi Sandbag Run

