Hai introduces Compatibility.

Crossing Minds
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2020

How much do you have in common with the people you surround yourself with? Give it some thought. Have an idea? Do you share the same taste in movies; what kind of movies? TV shows? Books? Restaurants?

There are so many different ways that we try to figure out how we fit in each other’s lives; looking to see where you and your brother could find common ground; where you and a coworker could have a conversation; or how you can spark a fire between someone you’re interested in.

Picture it, you match with someone online, and you want a fun way to get to know that person, that’s where Hai comes in. Hai, the end to all couch surfing app that allows you to get to enjoying entertainment faster is bringing you one step closer to knowing our friends and ourselves just a little better, Compatibility.

Photo by Soroush Karimi on Unsplash

With a few simple clicks, you’re able to see how your taste compares — whether you both love Indie movies, hate Country music, and also, what that says about you.

Our taste in movies, music, books, tv-shows and all do say a lot about ourselves. Therefore, it means a lot about our connection to someone else or our compatibility.

It’s the perfect addition for the moment: it collides what we’re already doing to how we can really connect with each other in-person. Talking about our love of each genre to continually connect us.

Once on Hai, you can see up to what percentage you and a friend match — through each genre.

It’s always been exciting to be able to learn about your friends or family’s taste, but comparing it to your own, that’s where we can connect.

Compatibility is bringing us more understanding. Giving you a preview into what you and your friends’ entertainment consumption compare to yours.

Alexandre Robicquet and Emile Contal (cofounders of Hai), began Hai because of their love of music and finding their mutual love of metal music… but that’s just about where their similarities end. They differ in most other aspects of their taste, and they wanted to know what that said about them and as individuals.

Now, both of them are academics, so it had to be backed by science for them even to give it the time of day. Now, we know the research shows a relationship between personality types with user preferences across multiple domains. That’s how along with showing how compatible you are between one another, Hai will also give you a bit of insight into what that says about you both.

You can even see what your likes and dislikes say about you.

I mean, I’d hate to find out you don’t love 90’s R&B or… Beyoncé.

