A gentle girl is hard to find

Brian Herman
Crossing Over
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2016

A gentle girl is hard to find,
With stunning face most exquisite,
Especially one that’s strong of mind.

Coquettes are clever and unkind;
I’ve been bewitched, I must admit;
A gentle girl is hard to find.

She would be a friend of mine;
A lover that would never quit;
One that’s especially strong of mind.

With inclination to be kind,
A female is a benefit;
A gentle girl is hard to find.

A sardonic tart begins to grind,
Certainly she is unfit,
Especially one that’s strong of mind.

Winsome women to men are fine,
But boys must learn to face it;
A gentle girl is hard find,
Especially one that’s strong of mind.

-Brian Herman, Synchronicity Press, c2008.

