Crossmint SDK v0.2.x Migration Guide

Crossmint Tech
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2022

v0.2.x introduces a breaking change with respect to the way collectionTitle, collectionPhoto, and collectionDescription are handled by Crossmint.

Main changes

Previously, collectionTitle, collectionPhoto, and collectionDescription were passed to Crossmint through the CrossmintPayButton parameters. These parameters have been moved into the developer console, accessible at

Installing the new version

Let’s take a look at our package.json file first:

Remove @crossmint/client-sdk-react-ui from your package.json

Then install the latest version by running:

yarn add @crossmint/client-sdk-react-ui 


npm install @crossmint/client-sdk-react-ui

What to change in your application to use the latest version

You have installed a previous version of our package before and now you would like to get the latest version. Here’s what we’ll need to do to get it working exactly as it did before:

Remove old parameters from CrossmintPayButton

Wherever you use CrossmintPayButton in your code, go to it and delete the following parameters being passed to the button

Update your collection title, image, and description in Crossmint Console

Go to, select Collections, then select the individual Collection you would like to edit:

Edit the following fields, which will be reflected and seen by users when they buy from your collection:

You’re done! 🎉

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Crossmint Tech

Crossmint is the leading enterprise provider of infrastructure to build NFT use cases, powering 30,000+ enterprises like Mastercard and Microsoft.