Moving to the Edge

A Guide to Edge Computing

crossML Blog
5 min readOct 26, 2021


What is Edge Computing?

Edge computing operates on the network ideology of bringing computing & source of data nearer to scale back the latency & load on bandwidth via processors equipped with AI software systems. In less complicated terms, edge computing operates fewer processes within the cloud & computing additional processes regionally on the “edge” of the network. For example, on a user’s pc, an IoT device, or edge server.

What is the Network Edge?

The network edge is that a part of a network wherever devices or the inner network itself connect with the net. For example, a user’s pc or the processor within an IoT camera device will be thought about the network edge, but router or local edge server is also considered the edge. A large number of different devices are there that can be at the network edge & can monitor entry into your core network. These include devices like modems, routers, switches & different network access devices.

How does Edge Computing differ from different computing models?

Previously, computers were massive, heavy, leading to intense additional power & resources. However, with the introduction of personal computers, various redistributed applications started running handily on the systems in native platforms.

In cloud computing, storage & execution of applications are carried within the data centers at distant locations, which sometimes cause latency or delay in services.

With the introduction of edge computing, problems associated with the early days of computing & cloud computing are eliminated in some major aspects as the data is computed & applications are operated locally or on the network edge, it’s abundant quicker and straightforward to use than others.

Use cases of Edge Computing

IoT devices: Sensible devices connecting through the net will get pleasure from running code on the device itself, instead of within the cloud.

Self-driving cars: Autonomous vehicles operate on real-time reaction, while not waiting for instruction from the cloud server.

Medical monitoring devices: Real-time response is crucial for medical devices, without waiting to hear from the cloud server.

Security system devices: Processing the footage captured from various cameras of a building or any place can be computed at the network edge reducing the load on the cloud.

Case study

A building consisting of various surveillance cameras is taken into account. The cameras were used to record or live stream the activities at the multi-story building. Hence generating an enormous amount of data & loading it on the cloud. When the cameras were connected through edge computing to various devices, where motion detectors were used, we observed that the load & storage needed was reduced. This happened because the cameras used in the motion detectors used to record only when any type of motion was detected at any level of the building & the necessary computing was carried on the edge.

This is not only faster & useful but the computation of data helps in cost-cutting for the cloud services. Moreover, the data were arranged in a specific & useful manner which helped in the faster analysis of the accumulated data that can help the owner in reducing thefts or suspicious activities that could lead to a loss.

Advantages of Edge Computing

The shift to edge computing offers businesses new opportunities to glean insights from their large datasets. The four major benefits of edge computing are:

Latency: Bringing computing close to where the data originated, in spite of storing & uploading data to a centralized data center or cloud, reduces latency.

Low expenses: As an enormous amount of data is generated, creating more load on storage & capacity. Using edge computing & processing data locally leads to fewer data sent to the cloud.

More range: Continuous internet access is required for traditional cloud computing but with edge computing data can be processed locally, exceeding the range to previously inaccessible remote locations.

Disadvantages of Edge Computing

Attack vectors & security breaches: As a large number of “smart” devices are connected together such as edge servers & IoT devices that have robust built-in computers, this can lead to new opportunities for malicious attackers to compromise the security of the device.

Cost & storage capacity: While investing in distributed edge devices for computing, networking technology is always a hefty investment. A robust edge network may cut the data center bandwidth level cost but require more expense for launching & maintaining edge devices.

Some famous Edge Services are: -

AWS Edge Services


FreeRTOS is an open-source, real-time operating system for microcontrollers that makes small, low-power edge devices easy to program, deploy, secure, connect, and manage.

AWS IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass seamlessly extends AWS to edge devices so they can act locally on the data they generate, while still using the cloud for management, analytics, and durable storage.

AWS Wavelength

AWS Wavelength is an AWS Infrastructure offering optimized for mobile edge computing applications.

AZURE Edge Services

Azure IoT Edge

Azure IoT Edge is a fully managed service built on Azure IoT Hub. Deploy your cloud workloads — artificial intelligence, Azure and third-party services, or your own business logic — to run on Internet of Things (IoT) edge devices via standard containers.

Intelligent cloud and Intelligent edge

The intelligent edge is a continually expanding set of connected systems and devices that gather and analyze data — close to your users, the data, or both. Users get real-time insights and experiences, delivered by highly responsive and contextually aware apps.

Future of Edge Computing

According to various researches, the emergence of 5G will bring the transition from computing at centralized data centres to computing at the edge, adding a profit of billions in the edge computing market.

Edge computing is creating various possibilities to deliver immersive, real-time output with low latency & connectivity requirements.


The demand for automation and also the Internet of Things continues to grow, and devices have to cope with real-time data and produce immediate outputs. When industries like health care and autonomous transportation begin investment in automation, new processing challenges arise.

Even a second of delay will create a life-and-death distinction and result in multi-million economic and reputational harm. Underneath such conditions, it’s imperative to possess a reliable processing technology that will answer offline requests and deliver prompt responses.

Shifting data storage from cloud data centers nearer to the network permits reducing operation prices, delivering quicker performance, and dealing with low bandwidth. These edges will doubtless solve multiple problems for IoT, healthcare, AI, AR — any field and technology that needs quick data processing.

You can implement edge computing into your enterprise operations right away and access these edges.

