Are You Earning Trust Today?

Mike Swenson
Crossroads-Real. Communication.
2 min readApr 29, 2016

At Crossroads, we have invested more than a quarter-century making sure our clients’ reputations are the best they can be. After all, a reputation is the most important asset for any organization or individual. And we all know that a reputation is a moving target, never standing still. That is especially true today where information and opinions come in waves from thousands of sources worldwide.

We know one thing to be true about living in this transparent world and that is a brand must be real to survive and thrive. A brand has to be real to its employees, its customers as well as the broader universe of consumers. It must have real values that it exhibits in every action it takes. A real brand must be open and transparent, especially in times of crisis. And a real brand must be a great corporate citizen at all times.

Brands that act real will earn the most important currency available today: Trust. Sales and revenue are required to open the doors each day but a brand that is truly trusted will enjoy a lifetime stream of revenue and loyalty. And loyalty not just from customers and consumers, but from the most important audience a brand has: its employees.

In a recent column in PRWeek, Johnson & Johnson CCO Maggie FitzPatrick says trust will “flow from listening and engagement that shows a company’s commitment more than it tells. It must be sustained every day among all company stakeholders.” FitzPatrick goes on to say, “Building trust is not just about articulating your values, but living them.”

This is what real brands do every day. It is no longer enough to simply say how great you are. You have to demonstrate it through actions inside the organization as well as outside. Doing this will earn you trust from everyone and it is the trust you earn that will make your reputation the best it can be.

Are you earning trust today?



Mike Swenson
Crossroads-Real. Communication.

We all have no option today but to be real in all our communication. And I still think every company should have a cause.