XD for PR

Chase Wagner
Crossroads-Real. Communication.
1 min readApr 29, 2016

Experiential design is loosely defined as the practice of designing products, processes, services, events, and environments with a focus on user experience.

It’s an increasingly common methodology in the digital space but recently I started to think about it in the context of public relations. Is that definition really that different from what we do at Crossroads? Managing a brand’s reputation through understanding their audience and the experience they receive when interacting with that brand?

For a restaurant: does a guest’s in-restaurant experience match the reputation they have in earned media and in the social space?

For a non-profit: does a donor understand your mission and do they see consistent messages in every interaction with your brand?

Mapping out anything, whether a website or a media outreach plan, needs to be well designed and customized for an audience. That’s why audience evaluation is a key tenet of the Crossroads strategic planning process. What’s the audience journey and how do we connect with them in a meaningful manner? By understanding what drives someone to do something, not just stopping at what they do, can help us get to a better understanding of their needs and how our clients can fulfill those needs. Whether it is through product, process, service or an event.

Ultimately, the brands that know who they’re trying to reach and then understand their customer’s experience across all channels (owned, earned and paid) will be the brands that connect with their audience and reap the benefits.

