Chessie Roberts
Crossroads Healing
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2015


Have you ever felt as thought the world is just too much? Too noisy? Too bright? Too busy? Too crowed? Too polluted? Too commercial? Too critical? Too judgmental? Just more than you can stand?I have. I strive to be the mighty oak that can still bend a bit without breaking but every once in a while nothing seems to work. The meditation is too short or is interrupted. The “me time” just doesn’t work out. The criticism seems to come from every where and the oak wants to break.

It doesn’t have to. You can always retreat, pull into The Acorn. This is a visualization the works very well for me so I want to share with you. Set up a quiet,safe place. Turn off everything and allow the feeling of wanting to hide aid you in this exercise. Darken the room a bit and see/feel your tree self pull down into the acorn from which it grew in the first place. Feel the comfort of the closeness and just breath and center. Feel yourself returning to your potential. You see this is not an exercise in running away or hiding, this is an exercise in renewal.

Here, in the quiet safety of where you came from, poke at your potentiality, examine just what it entails. What have you missed while becoming overwhelmed? Where have you succeed? Here in your Acorn Self, find new strength, new ideas. Look for things that you have forgotten or have yet to see. Now just rest there.

What will happen if you allow it, is that in this womb-like state, your innate wisdom and knowledge kicks in. Things come to you that don’t get through in meditation (usually because you are in a hurry to finish or they come so quietly, you miss them.) You should not stop meditating though. It is still a very healing and calming practice. The Acorn is for the extreme times of overwhelm and desperation. The Acorn allows a totally different perspective on everything. It shifts your thoughts from what is wrong or what is too much to what to do next, how to turn problems into solutions. And all of this new perspective comes from YOUR POTENTIALLITY rather that what someone else thinks you should be doing. This information is for you, from you and helps you see what you were put here to do. The Acorn reconnects you to your information source and cuts out all the extraneous chatter. This viewpoint stops all outside interference and reminds you of YOU. It re-sets your mental compass and you see your path with a new sharpness. This exercise clears away the static of the mundane side of your life and silences the voices of your committee that wants to tell you how to live your life and what is best for you.

You can also use The Acorn maybe once a month just to refocus yourself to avoid becoming overwhelmed in the first place. You will find that it works quiet well for that too.

To come out of your Acorn Self, just grow back into your Tree Self and be wonderful once more. To your best wellness, Bright Blessings Chessie

About the Author; © 2015 Chessie Roberts is an innovative thinker and author who has created programs and classes to help people to regain their balance of body, mind, spirit. She has worked for over 20 years to assist others to find and grow their Spiritual Path. Reiki, meditation and energy readings are part of what she offers. She has added essential oils to her healing tools. Contact Chessie at and on FaceBook at



Chessie Roberts
Crossroads Healing

© 2015 Chessie Roberts is an innovative thinker and author who has created programs and classes to help people to regain their balance of body, mind, spirit. Sh