Maw-Maw Kelli
Crossroads Healing
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2015


Can We Talk?

Will you sit down for a minute so we can chat? Grab a cup of tea or a glass of water. It’s ok I’ll wait. Now, prop up your feet for a few seconds. Take a deep breath (feel your belly inflate) and slowly exhale. Ok! Now we can talk? We are so busy these days. We OVER extend ourselves. We over reach and often do way too much. And to be honest the media, television and movies, along with social media glorify this state of being! It’s often looked upon as a status symbol, you are not really important unless you do all of this like so and so does. I just posted a Meme on my Facebook page a few days about that. Well, let me say this. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Don’t fall for it. We need time to tend to our bodies, spirit, and our soul. But how can we do that. Well there are many ways, but here is what I suggest. Take at least 15 minutes every day and sit in nature (turn off your darn phone) or sit inside if you can’t get out and listen to nature sounds. If those two are not something you can do at this moment, then work towards that. In the mean time you can take some time to brew you a cup of nourishing herbal tea sit quietly and turn off of your electronics. But you say you can’t find 15 minutes a day? Well that means you are overdoing it and need to stop and think about if you are really tending to yourself and your soul or just being everyone else’s gopher (you know go for this and go for that). I want you to take care of you! I want you to say no when you are doing too much or need a break. It is NOT a sign of weakness. It’s ok. You can’t take care of others if you are not taking care of yourself. I don’t want to see you so run down with two hooves in the grave and the other two on the banana peel. That doesn’t help you, or your loved ones, or the work you were called and put on this earth by the Creator to do.

Before you dismiss this info. I want you to let it sit for a while and really think about this. Are people, maybe over using you, or abusing you (heaven forbid)? People don’t need you for every little thing, they are like squirrels, they’re smart and they’ll figure it out. Think about some ways you can take back some of your power so that you can really peruse your calling, your passion do the work for which you were place here by our Creator. Be Blessed!

Who Am I? Kelli Hughart Armes AKA Maw-Maw Kelli is native-born Appalachian girl that grew up in the hills of WV riding motorcycles and playing in creeks. Commonly referred to as ‘Wild Woman’ She is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Community Herbalist, Forager, Perfumer, Aromatherapist, Flower Essence Practitioner, and Federal/State Licensed Wildlife Rehabber. With a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree, she is a student of life and enjoys talking to plants, trees and animals. She also enjoys teaching and practicing martial arts and is a 3rd Degree Black belt. You can find her here:



Maw-Maw Kelli
Crossroads Healing

My name is Maw-Maw Kelli. I am an Herbalist, Botanical Perfumer, Flower Essence Practitioner, Aromatherapist, Reiki Master, Wildlife Rehabber and Martial Artist.