Do you know how Web Designing is important?

Swastik Singh
Cross Skills
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2020

In this era of technology and the internet, when with every passing we are coming through new possibilities in every sector. There is no second thought that what impact does a website whether streaming services, business websites or any other make on us and the experience and usability they provide.

Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

“No one wants to be on a site that is not user- friendly, right?”

Many businesses are now a day have come on the internet to make their presence felt all over the world. We should remember that all that, utility, usability and user- experience are because those websites are designed in a specific way to provide continence.

For the next 10 minutes of reading, you will come to know how ‘web design’ can help you and about the courses available.

Importance of Web Designing

  1. Sets up the first impression When someone visits your website, the quality of your web design will give an impact on them. They will judge your website in the first few seconds; you need to make a positive impression on them.

An unappealing website can make a negative impression on the audience and most probably the user end up on competitor’s website. A nicely designed website is one of the keys to gain more traffic. It helps you to always have a lead over your competitors.

2. Works as aids to your SEO strategy.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy is one of the most crucial things to survive in this web. Finding out keywords and put it in your blogs on the website will help you to be top on the index. Unquestionably there is no mojo out there to help you climb the position on the organic search. It may be difficult to code up the design according to SEO but once you learn it, nothing can impede your way to the top.

3. Build Trust and Impression for service.

“What a potential customer or an audience wants?” This question will arrive inside your head every time if you keep your audience or customer satisfaction on top, Or to some, they don’t or may not understand it.

Just to make sure, that you get the importance of my question; suppose you have to buy a commodity from an e-commerce website and you face some or any of these problems.

  • You cannot select another variant shown in the product.
  • You cannot find an option to checkout after purchasing a product.
  • You cannot track your order.
  • The page you are trying to load is slow.
  • Unresponsive interface.
  • You cannot find a way to connect with costumer-care.

“So, if you found any of these problems will you come back to the website o buy another product or recommend it to anyone?”

No right? This is where impression plays a major role and after you impressed your customer, be available 24x7 to help them out by providing your contact details easily. This will gain the audience trust in you.

4. Consistency is everything

When you try to outreach your website to others through your design or content you need to be consistent. No one likes an incompatible or inconsistent website.

If you are using certain types of fonts or writing style or colors make them limited and do not change them on every particular page of your website, it truly looks unprofessional. Not choosing specific colors can make it challenging for a brand to make recognition in the market.

People trust the things which look professional on the internet while giving their time or money. If not they will bounce to another.

5. Do it, because your competitors are doing it too!

Maybe right now one of your competitors or the future ones might be reading these blogs and will be ready to put these topics in his further works. So, here we gave you a reason, why should take note of thing what we made you read right now.

You don’t want your audience to bounce to your competitor’s website just because your website is outdated and of low- quality. They will get more audience because of their more appealing website than yours.

A well-designed website is an opportunity for business to showcase your uniqueness. You can give the audience a strong reason to choose your website over others. It will make your ‘call-to-action’ work and provide you a potential customer or regular audience.

“Do reading about the web designing made to think about learning it, for that we are here.”

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