Give your Passion a True Chance!.

Taranpreet singh
Cross Skills
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2020

As children, many of us often came across questions such as what is it that we wanted to do with our lives, where did we see ourselves as a working adult, and so on.

Singer, dancer, Astronaut, sports celebrity were some of the popular answers. The mere thought of these opportunities being distant was, back then, carcely
credible. But we aren’t unfamiliar with the singer next door, who used to entertain us at all the social gatherings, joining the corporate for a handsome package, we all know the society drama queen badgering us with all those videos, now working as the manager at the B & B. So, what made us give into whatever the society chose for us to do? There are many examples that depict the opposite as well, take the example of late Sushant Singh Rajput, who left engineering at a prestigious college just to pursue his acting passion and charmed us all on screen.

The key to pursuing something is to give it the due time and dedication along with your persistence but the thing we don’t remember is to nurture the purpose with our confidence, back our stance emotionally. It’s also not possible to make it the sole purpose of our living, considering the responsibilities towards our family and society. But did we actually do our bit? I mean, did we actually exhaust all the possible credible ways towards our goal?! There are people who’ve turned their passions into incomes at ridiculous ages, they just kept ensuring the same as a resolution, years after years, as if it were sacred, inevitable to them.

Now with the tech support so grown, the learning essentials are a click away.
Skill providers, such as cross skills have been helping thousands fill that void with music, dance, art classes at fingertips on their mobile or computer screens. There are many who take out time from their jobs and social engagements to work on their passion and skill-building.

In addition to the gorgeous possibility that the skills someday might eventually form your work life, there are many other advantages, one of which is confidence in life. The mere idea that you have got something to fall back upon gives you the confidence to take greater risks with your career, moreover, the personal achievements in the field of your passion will keep you joyful and boost your confidence.

So, in my opinion, the following are the bare minimum to give your passion the true chance it deserves:
● Sketch and map the goal outline and the steps towards it.
● Give the skills proper time to grow, take out regular time from your
schedule to keep up to date with the field.
● Don’t shy away from showcasing the skills, broadcasting the skills,( however
little you’ve learned) gives you the motivation to grow further. However
one shouldn’t be boastful.

Give your 100% to the work at hand according to the time you’ve allotted
to any particular task!
All the best!.

