Let’s know about programming language for free

Swastik Singh
Cross Skills
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2020

Ever brought up interest in how the apps or software works, how do they give you an immersive experience? Well everyone knows that all this happen because of the programming codes. Programming languages are not limited to apps and software but in website development we need programming too.

Programming language is used to control the performance of the computer or machine. Nowadays, there are various options are available in the programming languages and every language is different from another.

So, now let’s look what programming language actually is?

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A programming language is notation designed to connect instruction to a machine or a computer. It’s used to manage the algorithm of a computer and manage it. In a computer the programming language has to be in an imperative form, while other programming language utilize declarative form.

The program can be further divided into two forms, Semantics and Syntax.

Types of Programming Language

There are different types of programming language they are discussed below:

Procedural Programming Languages

This language is used to execute a sequence of statement which leads to a result. This language typically uses heavy loop and other element. Function of procedural language may control the variables, other than function’s value return. For instance printing out information.

Functional Programming language

Functional programming language typically uses stored data, frequently avoiding loops in favor of recursive functions, side effects and different suggests that storing state are powerfully discouraged. This language is usually easier and build it’s easier to figure on abstract issues.

Object Oriented Programming Language

This language see the world as a group of objects that have internal data and external accessing part of that data. The aim this programming language is to think about the fault by separating it into a collection of object that offer services which can be used to solve a specific problem.

Scripting Programming Language

These programming language are often procedural and may comprise object-oriented language elements, but they fall into their own category as they are normally not full-fledged programming language with support for development of large systems.

Logic Programming Language

These programs let the developer/programmers make declarative statements and then allow the machine to reason about the consequences of those statements. In a sense, this language doesn’t tell the restriction on what it must consider things.

Different Programming Languages

· C++ Language

One of the most popular languages, used in large projects. One program can be collaborated into the other work parts. The object oriented structure permits code to be reused many times. This is one of the efficient programming language.

· C Language

A very popular programming language basically used in game programming. It have additional packaging of the C++. Every programmer uses this language because it makes program faster.

Pascal Language

This language is mostly a teaching language and few industries uses this language to write the programs. This language tends to use keywords instead of symbols and braces in C language. So it’s easier for beginners to learn languages like C , C++.

Fortran Language

A number crunching language still used by the scientist. This language allows different size of variable up to the memory limit in the machine. This language is suitable for engineers, who have to calculate value into highest precision. The program in fortan is inflexible and sometimes difficult to read

Java Language

A multi platform language that’s particularly helpful in networking. Of course, mostly this language is used on the web with java applets. This program is used to design cross platform programs. Since it is similar in structure and syntax to C++, the C++ programmers can easily to learn by them. There can be difficulty in efficiency of writing java code but now a day’s new versions have made easy to run and making program.

Perl Language

A file management language for UNIX. But it is more popular for it’s common getaway interface programming (CGI). This is a term for programs that web servers can perform to allow additional capability of web pages.

PHP language

It is used to design web pages and sometimes used for scripting language. This language is designed to develop a rapid website , as a result comprises features which make it easy generate HTTP headers and link into databases.

LISP Language

This language is mostly used in computer science research and it stores all data in list such as arrays. The syntax of list is very simple and easy to make for developers to implement structures.

Scheme Language

Scheme language is alternate to LISP language, and has a simpler syntax and features. This programming language easily solves the problems instead of worrying about syntaxes of programming language.

Want to learn about this topic in detail, and learn programming languages and coding check out our website Cross skills. Here we will try to give you a excellent experience of learning and make sure you find your right path in the profile you chose. Make sure to check our community tab and register yourself.

