Team-Binding, Recreational Corporate Events

Taranpreet singh
Cross Skills
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2020

Do you ever feel the urge to just run out of your cubicle, out of your daily routine and into something that really excites you, rejuvenates you and in turn, would make your work look less dull with the incentive of the activity happening again?

This is what corporate recreational events are all about… in addition to this, the list of good things these activities have managed to incorporate in the work atmosphere is priceless; some of these are given below:

  • Increase in motivation: the small achievements, accomplishments in these challenges, will help boost self belief among the employees, and thus help create a motivated work environment.
  • Increase in productivity: one of the most common goals of these activities; the productivity is naturally increased when the 3P’s, viz,
  1. Process,
  2. Policy
  3. Procedure, is improved.

This is the job of respective event coordinator to identify and emphasise on the building of these three.

  • Increase in collaboration: easy to identify merit of these events, team building happens when employees bond over these petite wins and forget the rest of the time when they are pit against each other on the name of target completion or goal achievement.
  • Encouraging creative suggestions: the teammates in these events could be from different department altogether, but working for a common goal, this is the sort of work environment managers need; they need to tell all staff, irrespective of their departments, that it’s OK to bounce off their ideas through the right people.
  • Improved communication: last but not the least; this is the building block of all the merits listed before and one of the easiest things to achieve through these activities.
  • Employer –employee relationship: these events can really help breaking the ice between the two parties and often tend to bring old and new employees on the same page in regards to standing rapport with the boss.
  • Positive reinforcement: Team building can also be used to provide recognition to employees by highlighting the work specific employees are doing and the behaviours that have lead to the recipient receiving the recognition. By incorporating recognition into the team building you can send a strong message to every attendee about your company values and what that means to the success of the organisation.

Now, its evident how these activities can work wonders when conducted by the right minds. Otherwise, these activity days don’t take much time in becoming a bonus holiday! Plus, not only the fun part, the right planners would suck every last drop out of the learning these events have to offer.

In addition to this, some workplaces, nowadays, harbour a permanent play area or an activity area that is available with an expert 24*7 and brings about all the above changes without an actual need of event planning.

