Why use the Pomodoro Technique?

Cross Skills
4 min readMar 26, 2021


It’s a huge myth that studying for long hours makes you get a good grade. Multi-tasking is the best way to get through your day productively. Studying is not a homonym for running a marathon. Your brain is a part of your body and needs leisure to repose from all the work it has been contemplating. I remember watching a youtube video about how to be productive on a procrastinating day with lying down partially on my bed, Irony of life. That’s when I came across the life-changing strategy THE POMODORO TECHNIQUE


Pomodoro Technique is a time management strategy created by Francesco Cirillo in the last part of the 1980s. Cirillo was battling to zero in on his investigations and complete tasks. Feeling overpowered, he requested himself to focus on only a little ways from centered examination time. Empowered by the test, he found a tomato (Pomodoro in Italian) molded kitchen clock, and the Pomodoro strategy was conceived.


The Pomodoro technique requires you to focus on one task for 25 minutes and then a short break for 5 minutes to refresh yourself. This continues for the next three slots after which we get the liberty to enjoy the leisure of 15 minutes.

The 25-minute work runs are the center of the strategy, however, a Pomodoro practice likewise incorporates three standards for taking advantage of every stretch:

· Separate complex projects:

If a project requires more than four Pomodoros, it should be separated into more modest, noteworthy advances. Adhering to this standard will help guarantee you clarify progress on your ventures.

· Little Tasks go together:

Any errands that will take short of what one Pomodoro ought to be joined with other straightforward assignments. For instance, “compose lease check,” “set vet arrangement,” and “read Pomodoro article” could go together in one meeting.

· When a Pomodoro is set, it should ring:

The Pomodoro is a resolute unit of time and can not be broken, particularly not to browse approaching messages, group talks, or instant messages. Any thoughts, assignments, or solicitations that surface ought to be observed to return to later.


· Making it simple to simply begin

Exploration has shown the PROCRASTINATION has little to do with laziness or absence of restraint. Or maybe, we put things off dodge negative sentiments. It’s awkward to gaze intently at a major errand or undertaking — one you may not be certain how to try and do or one that includes a great deal of vulnerability. So we go to Twitter or Netflix rather help our mind-set, if just briefly.

Fortunately, contemplates have additionally shown a powerful method to break out of the shirking cycle: contract whatever it is you’re putting off down to a minuscule, unintimidating initial step. For instance, rather than plunking down to compose a novel, plunk down to compose for 5 minutes. Still excessively hard? Attempt simply plunking down to alter a passage. Accomplishing something little for a brief timeframe is a ton simpler to look at than attempting to take on a major undertaking at the same time.

That hesitation-busting methodology is actually what the Pomodoro strategy requests that you do: separate your huge errands, ventures, or objectives into something you just need to accomplish for the following 25 minutes. It keeps you hyper zeroed in on the something next you need to do as opposed to getting overpowered by the monstrosity of what you’re taking on. Try not to stress over the result — simply take it each Pomodoro in turn.

· Battling interruptions

If you’ve at any point been hindered when you were in a stream state, you realize how troublesome recovering center can be. However, the steady stream of data pouring in through messages, group visits, and online media notices requests increasingly more of our consideration.

While it is ideal to censure innovation for everything, late examinations propose over the portion of all workday interruptions are self-exacted — which means we haul ourselves out of core interest. At the time, it tends to be not difficult to legitimize this inside pulls — “This email is too essential to even think about pausing,” or “It took not exactly a moment to check my Twitter; is anything but a genuine interruption.”

In any case, those little interferences add up! It isn’t only the time you lose on interruptions, it likewise requires significant investment and energy to pull together your consideration. In the wake of changing gears, our psyches can wait over the past undertaking for as much as 20 minutes until recovering full fixation. Reveling the motivation to check Facebook “only briefly” can transform into 20 minutes of attempting to get back on an errand.

The Pomodoro Technique encourages you to oppose those self-interferences and re-train your cerebrums to the center. Each Pomodoro is committed to one errand and each break is an opportunity to reset and take your consideration back to what you ought to be chipping away at.

Getting more mindful of where your time goes


1. Get a to-do list and a timer.

2. Set your timer for 25 minutes, and focus on a single task until the timer rings.

3. When your session ends, mark off one Pomodoro and record what you completed.

4. Then enjoy a five-minute break.

5. After four Pomodoros, take a longer, more restorative 15–30 minute break.

