Cloud Computing

What is Cloud Computing

Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2018


Cloud computing is the delivery of on-demand computing services such as servers, storage, networking, databases, analytics, software development platforms through a cloud services provider such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Rackspace and many more via the internet on a pay as you use basis. Cloud computing reduces or eliminates the need to purchase onsite hardware or software. If you make use of cloud storage, you have the ability to transfer or store files with an internet connection anywhere in the world.

How does Cloud Computing work?

Instead of investing capital in computing infrastructure or data centers, companies have the option to rent access to cloud resources such as applications platforms, data storage, computing and much more.

Cloud computing is a win-win for both customers and cloud providers. The customer can avoid upfront costs and the complexity of owning and maintaining their own data center and IT infrastructure. They simply pay for what and when they use it. How the providers benefit is by delivering the same services across multiple economies to a broad range of customers.

How cloud computing works

Uses Of Cloud Computing

Most of the population around the globe are making use of cloud services. Whether you are sending an email, make use of streaming services such as YouTube, or streaming music on Spotify it is likely that cloud computing is making it all possible. A variety of organizations around the world is making use of cloud computing which includes startups, global corporations, government agencies, and even non-profits.

Analyse data for patterns and make predictions Artificial Intelligence Software delivery on demand SAP Store and recover data Hybrid Cloud Applications Build and host apps and services Internet of Things (IoT) Host websites and blogs Blockchain Stream video and audio Big Data & Analytics Backup & Archive Disaster Recovery Business Intelligence Serverless Computing Game Development Digital Media High-Performance Computing Microservice Applications Digital Marketing E-commerce Development & Test Environment Mobile Applications Virtual Machine Infrastructure Virtual Reality Machine Learning Network & Content Delivery

Benefits of Cloud Computing


Eliminates the expense of running an onsite data center that includes racks of servers, electricity for cooling and power around the clock and IT professionals for managing infrastructure.


Cloud computing services are on demand and can be provisioned within minutes with a few clicks.

Global Scale

The ability to scale elastically. In cloud terms that means delivering the correct amount of resources (computing power, storage, bandwidth) when needed from the right geographic location.


Cloud computing relieves DevOps Engineers, Systems Administrators, Network Administrators from time-consuming chores such as hardware setups and so forth. IT teams can spend more time on other business-driven goals.


Cloud computing services generally run on secure data centers on a global network. These data centers are upgraded regularly with the latest generation of efficient computing hardware. Company headquarters benefits with reduced network latency and several other benefits.


Disaster recovery, data backup, and business continuity are easier and less expensive with cloud computing. Data can be mirrored at multiple redundant sites on the cloud network.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud Services Categories

Cloud computing services fall into three categories: IaaS — Infrastructure as a Service, PaaS — Platform as a Service and SaaS — Software as a Service.


Cloud computing that enables business or individuals to rent IT infrastructure on a pay as you use basis. This includes — servers and virtual machines, networks, storage, and operating systems.


PaaS refers to the commissioning of an on-demand environment for developing, testing, delivering and managing software applications through cloud computing. PaaS enables developers to quickly create applications from mobile to web applications.


SaaS enables the delivery of software applications via the internet on demand. This is typically delivered on a subscription basis. Users connect to these applications via web browsers.


Cloud Deployments

Public Cloud

Public clouds are operated and owned by third-party cloud providers such as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure to name a few. These providers deliver computing resources such as storage and servers over the internet.

Private Cloud

Private clouds are cloud computing resources used by a single business physically located on the company’s onsite data center. Private clouds are where services and infrastructure are maintained on a private company network.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Clouds are a combination of public and private clouds in order to share data and applications between the two. Hybrid clouds enable more flexibility for businesses.

Types of Cloud Computing

Originally published at on September 15, 2018.

