Crowd Machine Manifesto

Crowd Machine
Crowd Machine
Published in
1 min readDec 29, 2017

December 29, 2017

We’re angry.

Grandiose visions being sold by: new wealthy crypto-prophets; whiz kids with little life or business experience; or opportunistic charlatans, create noise that is suffocating important, world changing decentralized ventures. This frenzy will affect us all.

We are angry because we deeply care about a decentralized future. This will not be possible unless brilliant ideas are turned into commercial products quickly, using decentralized infrastructure that can scale. We believe that to be useful, products must be real.

We’ve built a solution that removes the need for software engineers, coding and cloud hosting providers like Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. We’ve battle tested it with Fortune 500 companies and are now opening it up to the world in a way that we can all share in its monetization.

To those that believe what we believe, reach out. To the ones with real businesses, stand up. To the angry ones, fight back. We’re with you and will help you deliver on building the future.

Crowd Machine



Crowd Machine
Crowd Machine

Crowd Machine — where anyone can develop distributed blockchain apps up to 45x faster