What is Crowd Machine — A Layperson’s Guide

BLOG: A technology platform with outcomes for device owners and developers

Crowd Machine
Crowd Machine
5 min readJan 19, 2018


Craig Sproule — 19 January 2018

Crowd Machine is a company name and the term used to describe the company’s technology.

At Crowd Machine, we’ve been focused on building a technology platform that supports two outcomes –

1. Enable any mobile device or computer owner to allow the spare capacity of their device to function as a member of a global network to run apps, and be rewarded for the use of their device; and

2. Allow developers and non-developers to create apps, without writing a line of code, that run on that global network and be rewarded every time the app is used.

We call our global network the Crowd Computer. Its role is to run apps in a highly secure environment and to ensure those apps are always available. Within the Crowd Computer is our Crowd App Studio, a graphical user interface that allows anyone to create their own app regardless of whether they have development experience or not.

For future reference, we’ll refer to anyone who uses the Crowd App Studio as a developer.

The easiest way to think about the Crowd Computer, and the apps it runs, is to consider an app as existing as many pieces, much like a jigsaw puzzle consists of many pieces. Each app piece is distributed to the mobile devices and computers that are participating as a member of the Crowd Computer. In this way even very small devices, like a mobile phone, can act to run apps even if the app is much bigger or more complex than the phone can handle on its own.

The diagram below illustrates the concept. In the diagram, a single app has been broken up and distributed to all the devices on the network. Each piece can be distributed redundantly to ensure that the app is always available even if someone turns their phone or computer off.

The Crowd App Studio allows the developer to create and deploy their apps to the Crowd Computer. We’ve removed the need to understand how to write code by introducing a natural language expression capability.

It’s a big term so let’s try and simplify it so that it’s easier to understand what it does.

Basically, the developer can draw their logic on the screen as a series of steps. For each step, they can add additional capability by having the Crowd App Studio ask questions that helps it understand what specific things the developer wants to do. The developer can run the question-answer process as many times as they want and each time they do so an additional piece of logic is created. The questions themselves are simple to understand and the logic that is created can be read like a sentence. The whole process makes it much easier to create sophisticated apps and its very fast to create them, up to 45x faster in some cases.

The below screen capture shows how coding has been replaced by allowing a developer to draw their logic in a step-by-step manner.

The Crowd Computer is a very sophisticated technology. It has been designed to automate many of the complex tasks that a developer typically has to deal with when creating apps. Its role is to remove that complexity and make developing an app something that anyone can do.

The Crowd Computer also contains Crowd Share, a library of already created apps and app pieces that developers can reuse when building their own apps. Crowd Share makes it even faster to get apps to market. Developers can search Crowd Share for an app piece to perform a task that they’re wanting to add to their app. If they find something that suits the task, they simply download it to the Crowd App Studio for inclusion. Developers can also upload content to Crowd Share and every time that content is used by a Crowd Machine customer they’re compensated for its use. The approach allows anyone to participate regardless of where they’re located. Further, since developers don’t need to know how to write code, it enables a large community of contributors to get involved. Simply put, we’re allowing anyone, anywhere to be rewarded for participating in the Crowd Machine developer community.

The diagram below illustrates in more detail how the Crowd Share process works.

The Crowd Machine technology is also blockchain agnostic, meaning that it works with all blockchains. At Crowd Machine, we believe that blockchains will ultimately become specialized and developers will use many blockchains within their apps depending upon what they want to do. In some instances, we’ve integrated tightly into existing blockchains such as Ethereum. Where Crowd Machine doesn’t have a specific blockchain interface, we provide extensive support to allow developers to create their own integrations into their blockchain of choice.

Crowd Machine is decentralizing the current centralized app and infrastructure markets. We’re also democratizing the app creation process and allowing anyone to participate in the evolving blockchain and decentralized economies. This accelerates the global move towards decentralization by enabling a crowd of contributors who want to be rewarded for allowing their spare device capacity to be used or through acting as a developer on the Crowd Computer network.

Crowd Machine came out of the Metavine Labs, and has been in use for a number of years by fortune 500 companies. In January 2018, the Crowd App Studio and Crowd Share will contain smart contract development capabilities available for use by anyone for free. App creators will only pay to run their applications on the Crowd Computer under a pay per use structure.

Craig Sproule
CEO and Founder

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Crowd Machine
Crowd Machine

Crowd Machine — where anyone can develop distributed blockchain apps up to 45x faster