Crowdbotics Startup Partners Discount Now Open For YC Startup School

Go from zero to MVP with quality-assured developers and code

4 min readJul 22, 2019


Crowdbotics is proud to support YC Startup School companies for the third year in a row. Learn how you can take advantage of the Crowdbotics Startup Partners discount here. Y Combinator

Most software looks similar to software that has been built before.

Crowdbotics uses an intelligent engine to sort through open-source code and previously built apps to find the best code for a given use case, just like engineers do. The platform learns from each deployment to get a little smarter every time. We support over a 5,000 applications on the platform today.

Crowdbotics guides users through the process of snapping together applications from open-source packages: mobile applications, rich web applications, chatbots, dashboards, blockchain apps, Google voice and Alexa skills, virtual and augmented reality, and more

We pair then provide expert developers and product managers to help design, build, and launch your app.

By building with quality-assured software and real expert developers, you can spend less time in the product development process and more time fine tuning features, growing your user base, talking to potential customers, fundraising, marketing, and the many other components of launching a successful startup.

Past Startup School Partners

Crowdbotics has helped many past YC Startup Partners get their product to market faster:

  • Maternie — Find the best child care for your family
  • Good4Work — Cloud-based team inclusion and recognition software
  • Dextro — Analytics for adaptive decision making
  • Edgde — Video hosting

2 Uses Cases For Startup Partners

YC Startup School participants can use Crowdbotics 2 ways:

1. Developers can quickly scaffold and deploy apps with a variety of popular frameworks using the Crowdbotics App Builder.

Deploy apps to Github with quality assured code and a ready-to-go backend. Crowdbotics makes it easy to build a hosted, ready-to-scale MVP of a mobile or web application, and deploy it immediately to the web or to iOS / Google Play stores.

2. Businesses can get apps, features, and integrations to market faster by building with expert developers and PMs via Crowdbotics. Tell us what you want to build; a PM manages the project, and expert developers build by drawing from our library of quality assured software packages and blueprints.

These reusable components enable Crowdbotics to build faster and more affordable than most solutions that involve any kind of managed development with real people.

Startup School Participants will likely benefit most from Crowdbotics managed app development.

Crowdbotics Startup Partners Program Details

The Crowdbotics Startup Partners program offers 33% off fully-managed software development by domain-expert engineers and product managers ($50/hours).

Startup School participants also receive:

  • Free Github private repos for life
  • Free hosting for mobile and web apps (up to a generous limit)
  • Free product management boards for life
  • Access to our library of prebuilt apps and components with starter code

Crowdbotics product managers are available to provide Startup School teams with free planning and MVP advice.

Whether you use Crowdbotics or not, the Crowdbotics team, community members, and partners are available in the Startup-Partners discussion category on the Crowdbotics forum to answer questions related to startup product development:

  • Architecture and Tech Stack
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Wireframing, UI, and Design
  • Product Planning
  • Marketing, Sales, and Growth
  • And beyond

YC Startup School participants can apply for the Crowdbotics Startup Partners discount here.

The Crowdbotics Startup Partners program exists for incubators, venture capital, graduate programs, and similar organizations to help their affiliated startups grow by giving them access to fast, high-quality development resources at a startup-friendly cost. Interested in your organization partnering with Crowdbotics? Email William Wickey, VP of Growth: william [at] crowdbotics [dot] com.

Originally published on the Crowdbotics Blog July 22, 2019. Written by William Wickey.

Building A Web Or Mobile App?

Crowdbotics is the fastest way to build, launch and scale an application.

Developer? Try out the Crowdbotics App Builder to quickly scaffold and deploy apps with a variety of popular frameworks.

Busy or non-technical? Join hundreds of happy teams building software with Crowdbotics PMs and expert developers. Scope timeline and cost with Crowdbotics Managed App Development for free.




The fastest way to turn ideas and specs into working code.