Rapid App Development In Uncertain Times

John Bender
Published in
5 min readMar 24, 2020

App development resources for those affected by or building for the Coronavirus crisis

The rapid spread of the coronavirus pandemic (“COVID-19”) has blanketed the global community in uncertainty. These disruptions have impacted every member of the Crowdbotics family around the world, and our thoughts go out to anyone who is struggling right now.

We’d like to take a moment to update our customers, employees, and community at large on where we stand.

Crowdbotics will continue normal operations

Fortunately, Crowdbotics is well-positioned to continue normal operations.

Crowdbotics is a remote-first organization. Our team is distributed around the globe, and the majority of our employees work from home. We’ve encouraged our team to take whatever measures they deem necessary to limit their exposure.

Our combination of human- and software-driven application development enables users to build full-stack, full-code apps rapidly or slowly, depending on their needs.

If, for some reason, you are forced to pause development, you will retain ownership of that code, and can pick up where you left off when you’re ready. Our approach removes much of the risk associated with software development and enables users to get new apps into the market as quickly as possible.

We think this model is more relevant than ever.

Support for affected businesses

We know that many of our current and prospective clients will be impacted in different ways.

In an effort to extend our services to as many interested users as possible, we’re making it easier for users in sectors especially disrupted by coronavirus to get started with Crowdbotics.

15 free hours for health care-related apps addressing the coronavirus crisis

We normally dedicate 5 free hours of developer and PM time to any new managed app development customer. For any health care-related apps supporting the coronavirus crisis, we’re increasing that to 15 hours. This additional time will save new customers $1125. More importantly, these additional hours will enable new users to scope their new projects with less risk or execute quicker on already well-defined build specifications.

Waived Blueprint fees for small businesses transitioning to online orders

Crowdbotics is offering application Blueprints free of charge to any restaurant or small business that needs to transition to online orders.

We have many small businesses using our Delivery App Blueprint to avoid the high recurring cost of transaction fees for third-party delivery marketplaces. Additionally, many companies use our Online Course Management Blueprint to train their employees or customers as they transition to remote training.

Healthcare Intake App Blueprint

Our Healthcare Intake App Blueprint can be used for self-diagnosis and is free for any community health group or government agency for the duration of the crisis.

Specific areas of need

We’re currently seeing a need for rapid application development in the following sectors:

Health care-related apps

We expect there to be a high demand for health care apps, specifically in the areas of patient intake, data sharing, telemedicine, community outreach, in-home care, and real-time dashboards.

Concerned about HIPAA? We are experts in HIPAA compliance and have designed our Health Care Intake App Blueprint with HIPAA in mind.

Businesses shifting to online operations

Traditional brick-and-mortar businesses are in the process of transitioning to deliver and curbside pickup models.

We’re prepared to support any restaurant, grocery, or retail business that would like to set up online ordering, delivery, or takeout service.

Remote work integrations

Conventional workplaces are encouraging employees to stay home and collaborate via text, voice, and video chat services. If you need a simple integration for remote tools like Zoom or Slack, we’re here to help.

Professional service providers such as lawyers, accountants, consultants, and financial advisors can enhance their newly remote approaches by building workflow and data management tools with Crowdbotics.

Logistics and supply chain tools

As our societal infrastructure is tested in the coming months, we anticipate a greater need for applications that allocate resources to where they are most needed.

If you’re interested in real-time shipment tracking, intelligent inventory management, or delivery route optimization, please get in touch.

Reasons for optimism

Despite this pandemic altering our lives in a multitude of ways, we believe there are still many reasons to be optimistic.

Creative and industrious individuals will use these circumstances for unexpected innovation. We’re excited to see the good that comes from this.

This crisis has underscored the advantages of embracing remote work, and we hope that organizations who are going remote for the first time will consider incorporating it as a long-term strategy.

Dramatic and volatile times create an opportunity for us all to emerge with a stronger sense of global community. International collaboration is central to our team’s identity, and we hope that others will come to see the benefit of working with others across cultural and geographical divides.

This is an extraordinary crisis, but it will not last forever. By aggressively confronting this challenge with the full scope of our creativity right now, we may ensure that we are more resilient in the future.

Action over inaction

If you have an idea that you’re ready to move quickly on, Crowdbotics is here to help.

Conversely, if you’re in a position where you must push forward with product development, but need to do so carefully and methodically, Crowdbotics can be a trusted partner.

We are especially eager to work with anyone pursuing an opportunity to build something useful for easing the crisis at hand. You can talk to one of our experts about managed application development right here.

We wish everyone in the extended Crowdbotics community safety and inner calmness in the coming weeks.

Originally published on the Crowdbotics Blog March 24, 2020.

