5 Way to Involve in Agriculture Sector in Indonesia

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3 min readDec 5, 2019

As an agrarian country, half of Indonesia’s population earns a living by farming and raising livestock. Unfortunately, not many educated young people are interested in being directly involved in the agriculture and animal husbandry industries. In fact, there are many ways we can do to develop this most important industry in Indonesia. Sound interesting? Here’s the tip.

Working in The Field of Agro-Industry

Business is the answer to many questions, including the question of how to easily become part of the agricultural industry. The business sector specifically involved in this land is agro-industry. If it is not familiar with this term, then it might be easier to mention it as a business that utilizes agricultural products as raw material.

Well, agro-industry is very broad in scope, from the processing, production, transportation, storage, and even distribution of agricultural products. Not only that, but agro-industry also provides services and equipment for various activities. The role of agro-industry is of course enormous. Imagine, without the effort to process, transport, store and distribute agricultural products, how can we enjoy vegetables and livestock products such as meat and milk?

Farming and Raising Livestock

This is pretty obvious, isn’t it? As the main actors, farmers and ranchers hold an important key in the agricultural industry. If they don’t exist, who else will do the most important work?

Well, half of Indonesia’s population actually has this livelihood. However today just a few people still believe in agriculture in Indonesia. In fact, all of the Indonesian farmers already old! There is no rejuvenate on farmers in Indonesia.

Being a Processor for Individual Farm Products

Well, another way to get involved in the agricultural industry is by becoming a processor for individual farm products. If agro-industry operates on a large-scale company and covers various phases of production if this sector specifically handles the processing of products owned by individuals or families.

The good news is lately this type of small industry becomes hype and popular. It will solve the unemployment problem, considering that this business requires a lot of labor.

For example, these businesses range from those producing raw materials such as flour, health products such as herbs, to tertiary products ready to eat such as cassava chips.

Acting As Consumers and Markets

This is a passive way of being part of the agricultural industry. Surely we are part of the market and consumers of the agricultural industry. As long as we buy and eat from our local farmers sooner or later people will understand how important local farmers in our life.

Of course, consumers have an important place in this industry. Without consumers, what’s the meaning of producers and distributors of agricultural products and livestock?

Become an Investor in CROWDE

Being an investor is a very important role in the agriculture and animal husbandry industry. By investing in this field, we can become a mover in the whole industry. Every business and activity requires funds, and investors can do it.

Does that mean we have to have a lot of money first to become investors? Back then, yes. However, now there is CROWDE, an online platform that facilitates investors to invest capital in small amounts, even as small as Rp10,000. It might sound crazy, but this is a brilliant solution for both parties.

By enabling farmers’ capital to start at Rp10,000, everyone can help fund farmers or ranchers who need it. Even so, investors still get the results of their capital investment in accordance with the calculation of profit interest, and farmers remain funded according to their needs.

In addition, investors and farmers will find it easier to find each other, and partnership will be more transparent and supervised so we can keep the risk at a minimum level.

It’s EASY! You can directly involve in agriculture sectors anywhere and anytime.

Are you ready to join our movement?

