Pak Nunuk Let Go of Worries Because of GARAP

Nida An Khopiyya
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2020

For all of you who have watched the entire episode of Hospital Playlist, probably remember the conversation between Ahn Jeong Won and Chae Song Hwa once while they were in Song Hwa’s room in the evening.

Song Hwa told Jeong Won that there were three types of people in the world: those who are happy while eating delicious food, those who are happy while eating alone, and last those who are extremely happy while looking at others eating. I don’t know, but somehow I classified myself as the third type. As a part of the CROWDE team, I was genuinely touched by what Pak Nunuk said, and I believe so does the team. Here’s why.

We were perfectly happy while listening to his story a few months ago in his dwelling in Caringin, West Java. Pak Nunuk is our GARAP farmer who cultivates big red chili and he has joined GARAP for about four months.

Pak Nunuk expressed how glad he was being a GARAP farmer. Before joining this product, Pak Nunuk used to sell his crops to local markets in Bogor and He usually didn’t get maximum profit as he expected. Consequently, Pak Nunuk doesn’t have a stable income. But after joining GARAP, Pak Nunuk can let go of worries because he gets access to markets so he also gets friendly selling prices.

By joining GARAP, I certainly know where the crops will be sold so I don’t need to worry about the market anymore,” he said.

Besides, Pak Nunuk feels grateful because getting support from CROWDE to get access to capital so he just needs to focus on cultivating, gaining more good quality products.

Pak Nunuk doesn’t feel afraid because, in GARAP, farmers are not burdened by the monthly installment payment system. They have the responsibility of returning the capital loan after the cultivation project period. Moreover, they are returning the capital by the crops with the proper price. They will get a minimum selling price that has been determined at the beginning. If the price of the commodity is falling, the assessment will apply the minimum selling price. But. if the selling price is increased, the assessment will apply the proper selling price due to market conditions, so farmers will get the optimal profit.

We feel free to cultivate, no need to feel afraid of innovating and trying other methods to increase the crops. We are happy because there are field agents who are willing to accompany us in the field,” Pak Nunuk continued.

So, That’s why we are happy while seeing others eating (back to the conversation between Song Hwa and Jeong Won at the beginning of the story). It means we are happy seeing others happy too. We and all the partners are giving our best to create impact by providing an ecosystem that allows farmers to get access to capital, market with the friendly selling price, information to develop their business, and supply chain so they can get the production input following the quantity and quality.

And if our farmers feel supported by all of these. We can’t be more grateful.

