As Crowdfire turns four years old

Priyanka Sharma
2 min readFeb 23, 2016

I’d start this post with “It feels like yesterday that I joined Crowdfire…” but then it would be cliched. Besides, Crowdfire is supposed to be the protagonist in this story, so well.

February 2012: A team of 3 working out of an apartment.

February 2016: A team of 44 that doesn’t fit in a frame even if we use a selfie stick.

I was among the first 20 people to join, and now when I look back, so much has happened in the four years of this phenomenon that we call Crowdfire. Funny how time flies!

So many things have changed…

We’ve grown in team strength. We moved to a bigger (and plush) office to accommodate our people. We have a bigger refrigerator too. The biggest and the most important change, however, occurred in our product identity. Last year began the major pivot in our identity — from a “follow-unfollow tool” to your “growth partner”. Now, we’re building a business assistant that will help anyone who wants to grow their business.

And I daresay that it’s been an exhilarating journey. Despite so many transformations, it feels the same as before.

For instance, our post-lunch walk sessions. Our pre-launch excitement. Pulling all-nighters at the office. Monday blues are still unheard of. And the one thing I’m really glad about is that we still are in it all together as a team!

Crowdfire, it’s been one hell of a ride with you. Happy birthday to you. Cheers!

