21 Instagram Post Ideas to help your Creative Block

Crowdfire — The Official Crowdfire Blog
9 min readJan 24, 2018

Have you ever found yourself aimlessly scrolling through your camera roll looking for something to post on Instagram? Or, have you gone around frantically looking for things you can click and share on your feed?

You’re not alone.

If you’re serious about your IG game, it’s possible you’ve been through these situations. Coming up with fresh, new, engaging content every day is no joke.

I recently went through this phase myself where I would go through my camera roll everyday trying to find something Insta-worthy to share, but all I’d see is a thousand cute photos and videos of my friend’s Beagle, pictures I’ve already shared on my gram and zoomed in pictures of the many broken appliances around the house to send to my landlord. No kidding, I went without a light source in my room for 5 nights straight.

That is exactly when I also realized I need to have a bank of Instagram post ideas I can come back to when I hit a creative block.

So here it is, my list of fail-proof, easy to execute, creative block curing ideas:

1. A How-To:

  • How to bake banana bread
  • How to draw something
  • How to create Origami art
  • How to edit Instagram pictures
  • How to blow dry frizzy hair

How To videos/posts are always a hit! They’re a great way of giving away helpful information, engaging your audience and adding a human element to your account. So, figure out what you’re good at, create content around it and engage your followers in a meaningful way ⭐️

2. Share Travel tips:

If you just came back from an epic adventure in South East asia, or backpacked your way across Europe, you probably have a tip or twenty up your sleeve. The easiest way to get cheap flight tickets, that hidden gem in Austria no one’s heard of, the road trip itinerary that won’t break the bank — spill it out!

travel tips for Bali via @greymurmurs (that would be me 🙋 )

You can post travel tips with pictures you’ve clicked from your travels by geo-tagging the location. That way not only your followers, but a whole bunch of people planning their trip to that particular place will see your post and ultimately discover your account.

3. Fitness Routine:

Although you can post about fitness and health at any time, there’s no better time than the start of a year. People are always willing to learn and inculcate healthy routines into their lifestyle.

fitness routine shared by @zannavandijk

Talk about various activities you do to stay fit, show your audience exercises you can do in less than 10 minutes with a video, make Instagram stories while you’re out for walk and get them moving 💪

4. Create something:

When was the last time you made something with your hands? Has it been a while? If you nodded, then now is the time to change it.

Try origami, try painting something. How about knitting? Or doodling? You could also make some simple cards. Use whatever materials you have at hand and create something.

created by @thepigeonletters

Not only is it a great way of de-stressing, it also motivates others to #NeverStopCreating.

Even if your creation is far from perfect, if it feels great to just use your hands and create it, do it anyway ❤

5. Take ’em behind the scenes

Instagram users love to see the true personality of people they’re following. They want to add more dimension to the idea they have of you, they want sneak peeks into the not-so-aesthetic parts of your daily life and more.

real life vs instagram

Show them the times you spend a day looking for the right prop to get that perfect picture, show them the times you waited an hour for the sky to turn the right shade of pink during a sunset, give them a glimpse into what goes behind writing the perfect blogpost — the brainstorming, the 23rd attempt to write it — everythang!

6. Flowers

Easy peesy, lemon squeezy. Flowers brighten up any feed, they add a perfect dash of colour and I’ve never seen someone not double tap a picture of pretty posies.

flowers and hashtag inspiration from @lily__paris

You know what to do 🌷

7. Share a quote

Is there a quote you always say? Did you find inspiring words while scrolling through Pinterest that you can resonate with?

created using Adobe Spark in less than 2 minutes

Fire up your favourite graphic design app (I love Adobe Spark & Canva) and make your own rendition of this quote with credits to the author, of course. We all could use a little pick-me-up every now and then, can’t we?

8. Ask a question

Asking questions on Instagram is one of the best ways to drive engagement. So ask away! Not only to increase engagement but to truly know your audience a bit better.

The better you know them, the easier it gets for you to create content for them.

post by @crowdfire

Ask, engage, make a community no matter how small or big it is. InstaFam is fam too 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

9. Your favourite cafe/restaurant in town

Which is the best place to grab brunch, breakfast or coffee in your town? Post a picture of the cafe or your favourite dish there and make sure to geo-tag the place, so others can discover it too.

NYC cafe recommendation by @anniejaffrey

10. The product you’re loving

With the plethora of products out there in the market, everyone’s looking for a recommendation they can really benefit from. So if you read a book you really loved, or a highlighter that gave you the right kind of glow or a pair of shoes that really helped you run better or even a new Starbucks beverage you just discovered, share all of your recommendations!

product recommendation from @alexikonn

If you’ve been ever recommended a product you really loved, you know how mighty helpful they are 🙌

11. Your outfit

This is as simple as it gets. If you think your outfit game is on point, strike a pose and share it with the #todayimwearing hashtag.

ootd by @mahmudalsmadi

12. Your morning/night routine

Morning routines and night routines videos are a big hit on Youtube. People love getting a peek into what a typical day in our lives look like — do you spring out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off or do you laze in bed checking your social media or what’s the first thing you eat in a day — your audience wants to know.

@mariesjournalstory’s morning routine 🙏

So craft a post, or make a short video — write things in detail and see the engagement it gets you. Especially, if it’s something your followers can relate to.

13. Host a Giveaway

Who doesn’t love free stuff? Put up a post showing what you’re giving away (it could be an Amazon voucher, it could be a travel bag, a power bank — completely depends on the kind of following you have) and tell your audience the steps they need to follow to enter the giveaway. You can ask them to tag 3 friends in the comments, like the post, share the post — there are many ways to host a Giveaway.

giveaway post inspiration by @anniejaffrey

There’s no better way to returning the love your audience gives you ❤️
Am I right or am I right?

14. Think out loud

Is there something you’ve been thinking about a lot lately? It could be anything from global warming to relationships to minimalism to social media to anything-you-strongly-feel-for.


Talk about it, talk about your struggles, write what you think, pour your heart out into the caption. You never know who might be going through something similar, or relate to what you say.

15. Monthly round up

Make a collage of your favourite pictures from the last month and share away!

monthly round up grid by @nainagahlaut

16. Drive followers to your website

According to Shareaholic, at least 30% of referral traffic comes from social media. Why not use Instagram to drive your traffic to your website?

Have a strategy that makes sure you constantly update your audience and let them know where they can buy your products, or read daily content or see your hi-res pictures. Even if Instagram Bio is the only place you can use links, use them well and use them often.

update for new video going live + reminder for link in Bio

(If you have more than 10k followers, another place you can use links is on your Instagram stories)

17. Introduce yourself

Every now and then as you gain followers, it’s good a idea to introduce yourself to the new people who think your profile is pretty rad.

Write in pointers, let them in on interesting facts about you and welcome them to your #InstaFam 👋

re-introducing myself to my growing family

18. Conduct Polls

People love categorizing themselves as a part of a certain community. Tea lovers proudly call themselves tea lovers. Coffee lovers love knowing what kind of coffee their fellow caffeine lovers enjoy.

“Latte? Yay, me too!!”
“Did you say decaf? Umm…” 😶

Polls are a great way of driving engagement and making your followers feel belonged.

Mountain person or Beach person?
Twitter or Instagram?
While walking: Music or Podcasts?
Receive: Email or Letter?
Pancakes or Waffles? (Pancakes, definitely Pancakes)

19. Try a Hyperlapse video

Hyperlapse videos always make sure you stand out from the crowd.

hyperlapse video by @behindthelapse

You can create cool videos using Hyperlapse (a free app by Instagram) that condenses videos into brief, moving, hyper-speed videos. Best part, you don’t need to keep your hand still like you would have to for timelapse videos.

Here are some Hyperlapse examples to get your creativity flowin’.
These too.

20. Community Love

We all have someone who we absolutely adore on Instagram. Their IG accounts inspire us and we always look forward to their posts and stories.

It doesn’t matter if that person is someone has less or more followers than you. Repost one of their pictures and tell the world why you love their account.

shout out by @sarahvarcabridal

And if they happen to show your account some love in return, everyone wins!

21. Post funny content (memes/quotes)

Memes are a lot like quotes with the added incorporation of humour. If you can strike a balance between relatability with your followers and also be funny, you’re guaranteed 100% engagement.

lel 😹

If you can make your audience laugh, they’ll not only engage with your post but are also highly likely to share it with others.


Because #throwbackthursday is so 2015, here are some new community hashtags you can get inspired by to post new content.


How are you engaging your followers through Instagram posts?
Got any other Instagram post ideas to share?

Let me know by leaving a comment below. I’d love to hear from you😇 👇

Alisha is a Community Champion at Crowdfire. Someone recently summed up her life in a meme. Two memes actually.



Crowdfire — The Official Crowdfire Blog

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