5 Daily Habits That Will Make You A Better Social Media Marketer

Crowdfire — The Official Crowdfire Blog
3 min readDec 19, 2018

“What can I do to be more successful?”
“How can I become better?”
“What should I do to be more efficient at work?”

We ask these questions to ourselves once in a while and often wonder what is the one right answer 🤔

Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.
- Marie Forleo

The fact is that there is no shortcut to success.
To get ahead in the race you need to cultivate some daily habits and practising these small things every day will, in turn, make you successful.

Here are 5 daily habits that you should cultivate 👇

1. Reading every single day 📚

Keep yourself up-to-date with the latest trends in the industries. Bookmark the important blogs that help you stay updated and make sure you visit them every day. Apart from the industry news, feed your brain other important content that inspires you and helps you improve your thought process.

I have bookmarked 👇

For industry news
1. Social Media Today
2. Facebook Newsroom
3. Instagram Info Center

Personal list for inspiration
1. Hellogiggles
2. Seth’s blog
3. Headspace blog

If it doesn’t leave you inspired, relaxed or curious, don’t read it.

2. Writing every single day 📝

It could be an Instagram caption, some tweets, a blog post or even a journal entry, it doesn’t matter what you write, the important thing is that you do. Writing something every single day ensures that your mind doesn’t get rusty and you don’t hit that creative block.

If you think writing is hard, don’t worry here are some ideas for you 👇

You could start by commenting on this post. #Justsaying 😉

3. Practising mindfulness 🙏

Mindfulness doesn’t require effort. Haven’t tried practising it yet? It’s worth giving a shot.
You can try apps like Headspace or Calm to start with.

Why practice mindfulness?

Mindfulness improves your well-being, mental health and physical health. This improves your concentration and helps you keep your creative juices flowing so that you can accomplish more in lesser time with a better outcome.

Mental health first 🌈

4. Actively look for inspiration 🔍

You can simply sit and wait for inspiration to strike. Or you could get up and do something about it.

How to find inspiration — Make a list of Social Media accounts, blogs and other sources that inspire you. Check out one or two sources out of this list every day. This will help you discover more content creation and marketing ideas, campaigns ideas and it will help you look at your existing content in a different light, that is, you will find new ways to repurpose your existing content.

Some Twitter accounts to inspire you 👇

For industry news
1. Matt Navara
2. Taylor Lorenz
3. Larry Kim

For content ideas
1. Wendy’s
2. Twitter
3. Netflix

5. Interact with your audience 🌈

Feedback always helps you improve and positive responses from your audience motivate to do better.

Interacting with your audience every day helps you know them better. In the long term, regular interaction translates to a stronger bond and this can convert your followers to your customers or product evangelists.

Need help? Here’s how you can start 👇

Over to you

Is there something that you practice daily that helps you prosper professionally? Leave it in the comment section. I’m all 👂

Sam aims to inspire you to #BecomeBetter. That’s one of her Goal for 2019.



Crowdfire — The Official Crowdfire Blog

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