7 Unique Content Repurposing Ideas For Social Media

Crowdfire — The Official Crowdfire Blog
6 min readOct 15, 2019

As Shakespeare once said, ‘digital marketing is plain hard!’

Okay, he might not have said that, but it is true nonetheless. The average digital marketing budget in the USA alone amounts to. Moreover, marketers are continuously falling short of unique ideas for social media content.

The solution comes in the form of- Repurposing Content.

It allows marketers to get the most of their digital marketing efforts and saves a lot of money.

You see, digital marketing is hard. But we have got your back with 7 unique ideas that’ll help you repurpose your content in no time. That’s not all! We have included some real-life use cases to help you glide through it!

1) Expert Interviews/Podcast > Instagram Videos

We will let you in on a little known secret. of all marketers report that ROI from influencer marketing is comparable to or better than other marketing channels. You can’t make that stuff up! What you can make is social media posts based on the expert opinions of industry leaders. If you have conducted interviews or podcasts with industry leaders, don’t shy away from repurposing that content for social media posts. You can pick specific quotes that you believe are valuable information or tips. Such original and insightful content has a higher chance of being shared. Moreover, Social media posts that include videos garner 48% more views. So, this can help you increase your social media following as well as your brand awareness.

In 2018, Social Media Examiner conducted an exclusive webinar with marketing leader Amy Porterfield. However, in the continuing months, they used short helpful clips of that webinar as for Instagram posts and stories.

2) Blog Posts> Interactive Quizzes/Calculators

Interactive content is often deemed as the ‘future of content marketing’. And for good reason. It is, personalized and generates 2x more conversions than passive content. A standard blog post requires hours of research, drafting, and editing. However, interactive content can help you get the most out of those blog posts. You can create interactive content based on the insights of those blogs in a matter of minutes. Thereafter, you can use these interactive experiences to promote your blog post on social media. Have a look at how Outgrow, a digital marketing company succeeded in repurposing their content this way.

They wrote a blog on Google Adwords and repurposed the same into an interactive quiz.

Thereafter, they shared these experiences on their social media channels. They redirected the users to their blog through the quiz’s results page.

The result? They noticed an 8x increase in their number of followers in a matter of 6 months!

Moreover, the quiz worked as an effective lead magnet because it added value to the readers in exchange for their contact information.

3) Customer Testimonials> Social Media Ads

Who says you have to hire expensive ad agencies to create social media ads? Sometimes all you have to do is repurpose the kind words of your customers. Customer reviews- and we cannot stress this enough- are the most important form of user-generated content. In fact, One-to-one peer recommendations, original research, and product reviews are the most influential content in affecting purchase decisions.

Infolink is a company that provides global advertising solutions for publishers and advertisers

Worldwide. They repurposed their happy customer reviews as Facebook ads and the results were amazing!

4) Blog & Social Content> Pinterest Boards

Pinterest has 175 million active monthly users and 87 percent of them have purchased a product that they discovered on the site. However, curating Pinterest boards is a long-term obligation that requires lots of company resources. Good thing is- you can always repurpose your Instagram and Facebook images to create a Pinterest board. Moreover, you can republish your infographics and Product GIFs on Pinterest to increase brand awareness.

MartechZone, a digital marketing magazine republished its infographic titled ‘Increasing Engagement With Visual Content’ on Pinterest. This helped them garner a lot more views than before and their infographic ended up becoming one of the most viewed infographics for the keyword ‘digital marketing.’

5) Facebook/ Youtube Polls> Original Reports/Statistics

Original and well-researched content is the best way to increase social media following. However, ideas like that are hard to come by and conducting research requires a lot of time and resources.

Enter: Facebook and Youtube Polls!

You can take the opinion of people on a viral topic and then create original statistics and draw insights from the same. Research by Buzzsumo concluded that apart from visual content, people tend to engage with questions the most.

Have a look at this insightful article by Neil Patel on Facebook Polls and why they can be useful for your content.

6) Funny Blog Insights> Memes

Memes have seemed to have taken over social media in the past few years. They go viral like wildfire and increase engagement on social media pages. The challenge is to create humorous memes that everyone can relate to. However, if you have a funny insight form a previous blog to back you up, it becomes a piece of cake. Furthermore, if the common reference point resounds with the audience, it can trigger a chain social media reaction. This can help you to increase brand awareness by a huge margin.

Customer Care BG recently published a blog on the lead generation tactic and created a meme on the same topic. Is it humorous? We’ll let you be the judge of that:

7) Social Media Comments> Customer Case Studies

By now, you have a lot of ideas on repurposing content for social media. But we need to dive deeper into how we can recreate original content from social media as well. Marketers today spend a lot of time and resources on social media marketing. In fact, reports show that social media spend is expected to increase from $48 billion to $76 billion by 2020. While 60% of that budget is invested in content creation.

But what if social media content could aid your content marketing efforts in general. You can repurpose the positive client comments on your social media accounts. Then, you can use these comments as customer testimonials or create case studies. Moreover, you can gather insightful content ideas through customer comments as well.


There are many other ways you can repurpose your content for social media. The key is to experiment with new content types and new marketing trends. While budget and time are always a cause for concern, repurposing can help your content reach its full potential through a few additional efforts.

So, what did you think of our ideas? Are there any other ways you can repurpose your content for social media? We are eager to hear from you!

This is a guest post by Etee Dubey. She is a full-time content marketer at and a part-time dreamer. In her free time, she catches up with her reading and often finds herself explaining the meaning of her eccentric name to people around her.

Originally published at https://read.crowdfireapp.com on October 15, 2019.

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