Can You Profit From Love?

From the Crowdfire Stories Podcast đź“»

Alexis Meads works with women who are fed up with dating. “They don’t understand why dating has become so hard and frustrating when it used to be so fun and easy in their early 20s. They’re beginning to lose faith in love and wondering if it will ever happen for them, as they see all their friends beginning to get married.”

Around the time Alexis completed her graduate studies at Harvard, she had similar feelings, but she figured her way out. Now she’s a Dating Expert and Results Coach for women looking for love, runs her own business, and regularly writes for Huffington Post, Thought Catalog, and many others. A shining example for women struggling with self-love, love for a partner or a career, Alexis shares her remarkable tale of success on the podcast.

Short on time? Here are five take-aways from this episode:

  1. If you’re looking for inspiration to start up, start by looking in the mirror and asking yourself- what are your struggles? Then, find others like you and identify the pain points of the group as well to validate that your idea is potentially profitable.
  2. Offer packages of products or services. For instance, Alexis created different pricing levels so that no one is held back from benefitting from her knowledge. It also opens her services up to wider income demographics for customers.
  3. Be confident in yourself. When you’re confident others are attracted to that and not just romantically. Even customers have more trust in a confident, personal brand.
  4. If you realize that you’re attracting the wrong people romantically or in business take the time to self-evaluate and set boundaries. You might be bending over backwards to accommodate people so much that you move away from your ideal significant other or customer.
  5. You will experience fear when you put yourself out there, either for dating or for your business. Know that this feeling is natural and it eases with time. Keep putting yourself out there. Say yes to more opportunities. Your fear won’t last but your accomplishments will.

Thanks for listening and reading! Find out more about Alexis here -

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and her Website.

Crowdfire Stories is a fun and inspiring podcast about how people use the power of social media to grow their personal brands and businesses. Make sure to subscribe on Soundcloud and iTunes so you don’t miss out on any of the amazing interviews.

If you know of any Creators — small businesses or individuals — to feature on the show, email me at or tweet to @CaraFnParrish.

Cara hosts the Crowdfire Stories podcast and once saved the world from a falling meteor. One of those two things is true.



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