How to show up on Instagram search

Actionable tips for creators, solopreneurs and small businesses


“Am I doing enough to be discovered by my audience on Instagram?”

“How can I make sure I show up on the search?”

“We do the same thing, why are they getting all the business?”

If these are the questions that are haunting you in your sleep or maybe they aren’t letting you get your beauty sleep, then your girl has got you covered 💪

The truth is, they are looking for you but you can’t be found. Why? Here’s why 👇

*does a little dance* 💃
(Know that I got that heat;
Let me show you ’cause talk is cheap!)

4 things you should do right now to show up on Instagram search 👆

1. Optimise your profile name and handle 📛

I don’t know who needs to hear this but your name and handle should match what you do and why you *exist* on Instagram. Why? Because search results are matched by text and so the easiest way to show up is if you’re using the right keywords. If you’re a marketer, add that to your name. Find ways to make your handle more search-friendly by using these keywords in your handle as well.

I know, I know, you’re probably thinking that there are so many marketers but hey this is just one step towards ranking higher in the search so go ahead and take this step.

Example: Alex Beadon has added all the right keywords to her bio to attract the right kind of audience.

2. Add your location 📌

If someone searches for something very specific in their area they should be able to find you. And how is that possible? Well, just add your location in your bio AND on your posts. Don’t underestimate the power of location.

Example: Look at UnboxHimachal making it very clear that they are from Himachal.

3. Add the right keywords in your bio 🗒

Have you ever wondered what do people think you do when they look at your profile?

Like “Oh my God! Who is she?” 🤔

Well according to her bio, she runs a small business and upcycles.

But think of it the other way round. What is someone is looking for a small business in a specific area that upcycles items? If they put in all these keywords, they would stumble upon your profile because Instagram search gives weightage to these keywords.

For this, you can refer to example from point no. 1.

4. Add the keywords and hashtags in the caption 🖋

I know some of you think that hashtags in the caption make it look cluttered and so you add them in first comment. I would not recommend that. Why? Because even Instagram doesn’t recommend it.

So, there you go. You’ve all the answers and now you need to take some action. Make these little changes and become more searchable 👑

I sincerely hope this helps you and if you have more tips please share them in the comment section 👇

Sam loves being on top of all social media news and trends. That’s her thing.

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