Introducing Advanced Analytics for Instagram Business Accounts on Crowdfire

Crowdfire — The Official Crowdfire Blog
4 min readJan 18, 2019

If you haven’t yet connected your Instagram Business account to Crowdfire, then we’re hoping this might just be the thing that convinces you!

We understand how important it is for Social Media Managers to look back at the numbers and evaluate how their social strategies are faring.

Having actual concrete numbers can go a long way in proving ROI on your social efforts to your superiors, while also letting you compare your current metrics to your benchmarks.

But gathering this data manually from your accounts can prove to be time consuming and difficult, which is what brings us to the our latest product update.

We’ve supported Advanced Analytics for Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook pages and Linkedin for while now and we’re super excited to announce our latest release — Advanced Analytics for Instagram Business Accounts!

What is Advanced Analytics for Instagram Business Accounts?

Crowdfire’s Advanced Analytics now gives you a comprehensive and detailed view of how your Instagram Business account has fared till date.

You can select the date range from the dropdown (choose any option from yesterday, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days) or simply pick a range of your choice for a maximum of 90 days.

Along with this you can also pick any of the metrics you’d like to compare and view a comprehensive chart for each of them right below the Analytics graph.

So get ready to dive deep into the performance metrics of your Instagram business accounts!

Advanced Analytics for Instagram

The Metrics

Here’s a list of trackable metrics that Crowdfire provides for Instagram Business Accounts—

👉 Posts — The number of posts you shared in the selected time period

👉 Likes — The total number of likes you gained for the posts published in the selected time period

👉 Comments — The total number of comments you got on the posts published in the selected time period

👉 Followers — The total number of new followers you gained

👉 Reach — The number of unique users that saw your post or story in the selected time period

👉 Impressions — The number of times your content, whether a post or a story, was shown to users in the selected time period

👉 Profile views — The number of unique users that viewed your profile in the selected time period

👉 Bio email link clicks — The number of unique users who clicked on your email link in your bio, if present, in the selected time period

👉 Bio call link clicks — The number of unique users who clicked on your call link in your bio, if present, in the selected time period

👉 Text message clicks — The number of unique users who clicked on your email link in your bio, if present, in the selected time period

👉 Bio website link click — The number of unique users who clicked on your website link in your bio, if present, in the selected time period

Using Advanced Analytics, you can now gauge what kind of content resonates with your Instagram audience and tweak and improve your strategies for better results.


You can even compare metrics of your current period with that of the previous period, just by toggling that small switch on the top to ON. Like here 👇

Toggle the switch to compare current data with that of the past

Where can I access Advanced Analytics?

Just log into your Crowdfire account — tap on Analytics on the left hand side menu — Advanced

You can select the desired platform you want from the drop down at the top and viola!

Crowdfire’s Advanced Analytics is available to all users on Plus, Premium and VIP plans, so go ahead and give it a spin!

What do I do if my Instagram is Personal and not a Business profile?

2 things.

You can either view the basic analytics for your Instagram Personal account on Crowdfire like Posts, Likes and Comments.

Or, you could choose to convert your Profile to a Business Account on the native Instagram app, in just a couple of taps. We recommend having a Business Account because you can perform a lot more actions and get deeper Analytics for Business Profiles.

Here’s how you can convert a Personal profile to a Business Profile.

Advanced Analytics is live on the Web version and is coming soon on Android and iOS.

Stay tuned!



Crowdfire — The Official Crowdfire Blog

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