Recap: #cfchat Let’s Talk Creativity Block

03rd November, 2016

Crowdfire — The Official Crowdfire Blog
4 min readNov 16, 2016


Stats for the week

230 participants; 1238 tweets

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” — Maya Angelou

As artists, performers, marketers, writers and just as humans we sometimes have a hard time accessing our inner creativity. This state is called creativity block. Creative block isn’t just stressful, it can cause severe harm to your career and life.

There are different kinds of creativity blocks and each or them needs to be dealt with differently. This week on our Twitter chat we discussed the major kinds of blocks, how to deal with them and more.

Here is how it went!

Q1. How does Creative Block affect your work and life?

“For marketeers, it definitely takes more time to complete our work & may affect our marketing timeline.” — @CountrHQ

“It makes my work and personal life gray and makes it difficult to complete any task.” — @QuickUSALLC

“Creative Block is the mother of necessity, necessity is the mother of invention. It’s forced me to think outside the box.” — @LukusIsRight

“When developing learning resources you need to engage with students, CB can make you loose confidence when you have to repeat stuff.” — @CareerFoundaxns

Check out all the amazing answers here!

Q2. What are the different kinds of Creative Blocks?

“I would say stress and a lack of energy.” — @radioaricka

“Creative blocks can come from anywhere. Laziness, exhaustion, miscommunication, etc. It’s important to stay focused!” — @HeadwayWFS

“Not being able to write a song the way you vision it in your mind!!” — @YungK1nG

“1. Lack of inspiration 2. Unpleasant environment 3. Too overwhelmed, too many ideas 4. Lurking deadlines. “ — @greymurmurs

Check out all the amazing answers here!

Q3. What are the major causes of Creative Block?

“Expectations, criticism and lack of motivation.” — @sukin_s

“Overthinking of situations which won’t really happen.” — @_Ayush_07

“Honestly it could be a number of factors, but for me being overwhelmed/stressed really zaps me of inspiration/motivation.” — @yt_elise

“Poor planning, poor time management, not having a defined work strategy in place, not leaving room for real life.” — @theerailivedin

Check out all the amazing answers here!

Q4. How do you work your way through a Creative Block?

“I try exposing myself to something BRAND NEW. Be it a TV show, or music, or a drive through a new part of town.” — @LukusIsRight

“Taking a break & coming back helps, or even powering through. collaboration is one of the best ways to beat a block.” — @yt_elise

“Take a break. Grab some headphones and go for a walk.” — @M1_Public

“Change scenery, take a break, have a drink, look at other photography/art to find some inspiration, workout.” — @rkruglov

Check out all the amazing answers here!

Q5. What would be your one advice for someone who has hit a Creative Block?

“One can only do what one can do. Don’t fret. Find your inner soul. It will come.” — John

“Dont be so stress about it! The more you think about it the more stress you’ll be!” — @CountrHQ

“Just breathe! Take a step back and dont focus on being blocked, it too shall pass.” — @ColorfullyLaura

“Take a break (at least a short one). refresh yourself, talk to someone (a positive talker), pamper yourself.” — @varunkr842

Check out all the amazing answers here!

Q6. What’s been your biggest Creative Block so far?

“I got 100+ drafts on my blog waiting to be finished, polished & published.” — @theerailivedin

“Keeping on topic! Writing when another idea pops up; get writing that saving previous. Got saves over 3yrs old”. — @leprchaunrabbit

“I think I have not pushed myself enough to face that. I think I should.” — @Cheesy_Engineer

“Being stuck in a similar writing style for years.” — @mehulgohil

Check out all the amazing answers here!

A big shoutout to our amazing community for always being there, helping each other and exchanging knowledge.

P.S. Got a topic suggestion? Want to answer any of the questions or share your thoughts on our Twitter chat, tweet out to us or leave us a comment!

Catch #cfchat every Thursday, 12:30pm ET.

Check more about #cfchat here.

See you next Thursday!

Sam :) hosts CFChat on Crowdfire’s Twitter



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