Social Media Updates this week [Aug 14 — Aug 20, 2021]

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Crowdfire — The Official Crowdfire Blog
4 min readAug 20, 2021


What happened on Social Media this week 👇


  • Announced coming dm improvements, including multi-dm sharing and updated navigation.
  • Tested new topic tags to spaces to improve discovery.
  • Announced new lead for its bluesky social media decentralization project.
  • Paused verification process rollout.
  • Tested new misleading info reporting option to further combat misinformation in tweets.
  • Is working on a ‘leave this conversation’ option to help manage on-platform engagement.
  • Launched new API access for spaces to facilitate the development of third-party apps.

“As part of today’s launch, all developers using the new Twitter API v2 will be able to look up live or scheduled Spaces using criteria like Spaces ID, user ID, or keyword. With the Spaces lookup and Spaces search endpoints, we hope to enable developers to build tools and solutions that help people on (and off) Twitter find interesting and relevant Spaces more easily. This will also benefit Spaces Hosts by making their conversations more discoverable and bringing more engaged listeners into their Spaces. And, with Spaces lookup, you can also begin to understand the public metadata and metrics associated with an active Space.”

Read more.

  • Officially launches integration of revue newsletter subscriptions direct from user profiles.


  • Shared new ‘widely viewed content’ report to counter the idea that it amplifies division.
  1. The content that’s seen by the most people isn’t necessarily the content that also gets the most engagement.
  2. The majority (57%) of posts that people see is from their family and friends, in line with changes we made in the past so that content from friends and family makes up a larger portion of News Feed.
  3. Fewer than 13% of content views were on posts with links, and the top-viewed news domains account for only 0.31% of all content views in News Feed. Of those outlets, mainstream media dominate by views.

Read more.

  • Published latest update on content removals, fake accounts and hate speech

Read more.

  • Announced the date for its upcoming ‘Facebook connect’ AR/VR showcase.

Link to the page.

  • Announced Horizon workrooms VR collab and meeting platform.

Read more.

  • Reels are now on the main app, capitalizing on the short-form video trend.

Read more.

  • Expanded push into local news through expansion of its bulletin newsletter platform.

Read more.



  • Launched ‘creative solutions’ guide to building effective TikTok campaigns.

Find it here.


  • Launched ‘hair pattern search’ option to boost inclusion and utility in the app.


  • Added video chapter listings in search, which could be a new SEO consideration.

Read more.

That’s all folks!

Please leave kind comments on anything I might have missed.

Sam loves being on top of all social media news and trends. That’s her thing.

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