Top 3 Collaboration Tools for Multiple Client Management

Crowdfire — The Official Crowdfire Blog
5 min readNov 28, 2018
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash, edited on Canva.

Collaboration with multiple clients is a tricky thing to perfect. But not impossible. Here are 3 tools to make collaborations with multiple clients easier and better!

1. Crowdfire for social media management

If you’re a social media agency or a manager who’s managing social media for multiple clients, then this one’s a no-brainer. With the help of Crowdfire, you can create different Profiles for each client and their social accounts. Which means you can manage multiple clients and their social media from within the same dashboard.

But why am I mentioning this tool for collaboration? Because of the team member feature within Crowdfire Profiles. You can now provide each client with team member access just to their own profile so that they are up to date with everything happening in their accounts. This paves way for effortless collaboration between your clients and social media agencies because now the client has eyes on their accounts, can provide feedback and approval before execution and can make changes themselves to their own liking.

The clients can check their Scheduled timeline, move and edit posts, keep an eye on their Twitter followers and following and even keep an eye on their account’s analytics.

Benefits of Crowdfire

⭐️Enables transparency between clients and social media managers,

⭐️Makes the approval process much easier among multiple clients and

⭐️Promotes effortless collaboration among clients and social media managers within the same tool

2. Slack for real-time communication

Slack is the powerhouse of inter-team communication and collaboration. But it works excellently for client-based projects as well. Which is why it’s a great idea to bring in your clients within your Slack workspace. Slack communication is channel based so you can create multiple channels for each client and then invite them into those channels in order to provide them with real-time support.

Slack lets you separate your conversations between different channels dedicated to specific purposes. As opposed to traditional emails, it’s much easier to stay relevant to different parts of the project on Slack. The Slack Search feature is one of the most powerful searches I’ve ever used. It makes searching for files and conversations so so efficient. This is one of the main reasons I got hooked into this tool and can never go back to using emails.

But Slack is much more than a platform to exchange messages. You can set up SO many useful integrations on Slack and simply bring all of your workflows within the tool. Zapier, GitHub, Giphy, Donut, Simplebot and Google Drive are just some of the apps you can integrate with Slack. Say goodbye to messy emails and restrictive sharing functions. Slack makes it super easy to share files and documents with your clients in real time now.

Make sure you lay a few ground rules though. Instant chat might raise your client expectations of instant availability too. Let your clients know that you won’t be replying right away for the sake of the project success. Set real expectations and see your Slack collaborations flow like water.

Benefits of Slack

⭐️Real-time conversation

⭐️Sharing of files is easier

⭐️Multiple app integrations

3. Trello for project management

Trello is a personal favorite when it comes to business tools so you’ll find this tool included in every one of my posts.

It’s one of the best project management tools out there. The basic concept of Trello is that you can create multiple boards for different projects or clients. Each board has lists and each list can contain multiple cards.

If each list of yours represents different stages of the project, each card will represent different tasks. You can add comments and attach files to each card. Think of it as a piece of paper. You can move it around physically from one list to another and place it wherever you want.

You can invite clients to each of the board so that they’re up to date on each stage of your project and the tasks within. This tool is perfect for collaboration because it allows your clients to comment on each card and ask the necessary questions at the right time. It enables accountability since each list is like your own To Do List.

You can move cards (tasks) from To Do → Doing → Done with the tap of your mouse. It’s literally that simple. The biggest pro though? Your clients or team members don’t have to have Trello open at all times. Trello notifies every member within the board via emails about any and all activities happening on each board. You can also attach external files within cards in just a couple of taps. When it comes to project management for multiple clients, Trello wins by a long shot!

Benefits of Trello

⭐️Own To Do list

⭐️Clean, simple and beautiful

⭐️Email notifications of each activity

There you have it, folks! The top 3 tools for collaboration with multiple clients. If you liked this, please leave some claps and don’t forget to share it with your friends 🙋🏻

What are some collaboration tools that you or your teams use? Let’s discuss in the comments 😇

Kim is a content crafter at Crowdfire. Check out my last post!



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