Tonia Omenyi
MobileForms Series
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2018

CrowdForce using her data crowdsourcing tools, manpower and mobile technology (mobile forms) has made data collection ‘ SMART’-Simple, Measurable, Accurate, Reliable and Time bound.

Having people devoted to this vision across the 36 states of Nigeria and building wider network across Africa will makes Her trade data for knowledge, information gathering, innovative and creative thinking for better service delivery.

They say Money makes the world go round, We says ‘Data reshapes the world’. Getting data about anything and everything across industries will undoubtedly improve their performance and make them more competitive. Data derived for government projects will enable the authority focus on those who are most vulnerable, enabling them to generate and implement effective policies that will produce expected outcomes. For individuals, data influences their consumption preferences and make more informed decisions which will better their lives.

The solution to all challenges of mankind is data, we must know where we are first before trying to get to where we want. Use CrowdForce to get reliable and timely data fast as She aims to abolish all forms of traditional data collection and introduce a dawn of portable, easy, geo-location and accurate data collecting tools.

The future CrowdForce is creating is unique and limitless. Bringing the world to a state of perfect information with agents gathering all information to a central data hive, so the era of misinformation, inadequate knowledge and ignorance is written off. No more will governments have excuses of inadequate policy decision making. Firms will not wind up because they do not know consumer needs, and individuals will not make wrong investments that would lead to great losses. Perfect Information they say is utopic, so was ‘Metals on air’ till the Wright brothers proved the universe wrong.

Orville Wright said ‘If we worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true really is true,then there would be little hope for advance’. Perfect information can be the new world reality.

