Crowdfunding Campaign Success Stats Are Not Good.

As of now, you currently have a 35.81% chance of successfully crowdfunding your Kickstarter campaign.

Let’s dig a bit deeper, see what it really takes to be the best crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter or Indiegogo.

Let’s dig a bit deeper…see what it really takes to be the best crowdfunding campaign.

Are you planning to run an Indiegogo or Kickstarter campaign in the Technology category? If you are, your numbers are even worse…you only have a 19.73% chance of successfully funding your project.

Do you want to get a better crowdfunding success rate? Ditch the technology project and start a campaign in the Dance or Theater category on Kickstarter. They enjoy a much, much higher success rate of 62.2% and 60.34%.

Kickstarter Stats & Funding By The Numbers

Below you will find the Kickstarter Stats broken down by category from their blog.

Kickstarter Crowdfunding Stats as of 12/14/16

Crowdfunding Success Is Elite

Most successfully funded projects on Kickstarter raise less than $10,000, but an increasing amount of these are reaching the six and seven digit figures.

At Agency 2.0, we’ve comfortably enjoyed a much better success rate and average funds raised for our Fully Managed Crowdfunding Campaignclients, far above the Indiegogo and Kickstarter success rate averages.

Rather than switch careers from tech to dance/ theater to increase your chance at success, we’ve put together a successful Kickstarter and Indiegogo strategy for campaign launches. Our approach is built on over 5 years of experience in creating and managing crowdfunding campaigns, then testing and optimizing the results.

The numbers keep getting better. We’ve tested and tweaked the approach over hundreds of campaigns, many millions of dollars raised, for 18 hour days, 6–7 days a week, over 5 years.

Agency 2.0 Crowdfunding Marketing Results

Throughout our website, you can find crowdfunding advice and tips for each specific aspect that goes into a successful campaign…hope they help you create your own success, or heck, shoot us an email… We are happy to help.

$100,000 Crowdfunding Equals The Top 2%.

Did you know, if you raise $100,000 or more on either Kickstarter or Indiegogo, you are in the top 2% of all projects? Success is ELITE.

To be in the top 2% of Wage Earners

  • You must make an income of over $380,000 per year.

To be in the top 2% of Net Wealth

  • You must be worth just over $15,000,000. Put that into perspective….

Christopher M. OlenikAgency 2.0 - The #1 Crowdfunding Marketing & PR Agency — Founder & CEO — Follow on Twitter Follow on Facebook

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