The 6 Best Ways to Promote Your Crowdfunding Campaign for Maximum Results

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Crowdfunding News
4 min readFeb 5, 2018


You’ve worked hard to create your crowdfunding project. The following tips and tricks will help you promote your crowdfunding campaign for maximum exposure and results.

Promoting and advertising your crowdfunding project is absolutely essential — before AND after launching your campaign. There are many crowdfunding communities where you can share your project for free. Follow this link for a list of 34 free crowdfunding communities where your can uses the techniques covered in this article.

Submit your project for free crowdfunding campaign promotion.

How you promote your project is important as well. Following the 6 “best practices” or guidelines below will help you increase your project exposure and deliver maximum results for your efforts. These tried and true methods are the best ways to promote your crowdfunding campaign in a community.

1. Always say Hello

Advertisements don’t say hi

Have you ever been cornered by a push salesman who’s only goal was to sell you his product? You were probably annoyed and he probably didn’t make the sale! This same principle applies when promoting your crowdfunding campaign online. People like to buy things from people they trust. For your crowdfunding campaign, you not only need people to trust you — you need backers to believe in you and your ability to deliver something wonderful. A simple “hello” to introduce yourself to the community can go a long way towards making you a person instead of an advertisement.

People are so inundated with ads that our brains have build up mental ad blocks that automatically filter out promotional messages. You can get past those blockades by acting like an actual human being. The best rule of thumb for how to act online is just to do the same as you would in real life!

2. Promote often, but not too often

Each day, over a hundred new crowdfunding projects are launched and all of them are competing for attention. To stay on top of the throng of new projects, you need to promote your project often. That means you can’t just post your project in a community and be done with it. You need to come back and post updates!

People support crowdfunding projects because they like the feeling of bringing a new idea to life. Good project creators say that updating backers on the project’s progress is critical to developing an engaged customer base. In addition to posting updates on Kickstarter or Indiegogo, you should consider sharing updates with the crowdfunding community as well.

Posting an update once every 5–7 days or once a week is the generally accepted frequency. Too often and people might get annoyed and any less often will be missing out on a promotional opportunity. People like stories and sharing updates gives you and opportunity to put your project on top and engage new and old readers alike.

3. Engage with others

Check out some of the other projects posted in the community! You’ll not only be participating in the community, you’ll might learn something that could help your campaign as well.

4. Start a conversation, not a sales pitch

Copy and pasting your Kickstarter or Indiegogo project tagline into your post is probably the number one turn off for any reader. No one wants to see another “The World’s Smartest and Lightest Jacket” or “The World’s First …”.

Instead, a much better way to get people to actually read your post is to start off by introducing yourself. You can say hello, share your name and background, and have room to spare for your crowdfunding project.

5. Be encouraging, give positive feedback

This technique is simple, like other people’s posts and replies! A like doesn’t cost you anything and benefits you as much as the person receiving the like.

In most communities, liking a post sends a notification directly to that person’s email/phone. It’s a great way to give instant, positive feedback. Most of the time, they’ll come back to your post to see what was liked which is an added bonus!

6. Share good news

When it comes crowdfunding projects, success snowballs into more success. The number one killer of projects is when doubt creeps in at the halfway point and pledges slow to a crawl. Don’t let doubt capsize your campaign by sharing any good news about your project.

People love to hear good news. Sharing positive press about your campaign is a great way to build trust and motivate existing backers to cheer for you!

There you have it, 6 tips and techniques to maximize your promotional efforts. Quality comes before quantity and people before product.

For a friendly crowdfunding community, check out our crowdfunding community and crowdfunding app.

You can also submit your project for free crowdfunding campaign promotion.



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