How to Invest TIME & Earn CRYPTO

Crowdholding Innovation Platform
5 min readJul 2, 2018

Crowdholding is a crypto co-creation platform that allows you to give feedback and ideas to crypto startups who are looking for validation, innovation and to grow a community and in return the user receives tokens for their feedback and most importantly can have their voice heard.

We have over 21,000 signups, over 40 different projects and we are growing everyday, this article will show you:

  • Step 1: How to sign up to Crowdholding.
  • Step 2: How to edit your profile and add your wallet address.
  • Step 3: How to make your first comment on a task.
  • Step 4: How to withdraw your cryptocurrency

Step 1 — Signing into Crowdholding

Firstly go to our website, where you will be greeted by our homepage. Once here, simply click on the top right hand corner button “Sign in / up”

Once you click here, a pop-up will appear on your screen where you will be able to sign up through your Facebook or Gmail. We will not post anything, we just found that it is the easiest and quickest way to create an account for our users.

Simply select which option you would like to continue with and click “Continue with…” and your account will be created!

Step 2 — Editing your profile and adding a wallet address

Now you have created the bones of your profile, it’s time to customise your profile and add a wallet so you can transfer your tokens after giving responses to tasks! To do this, click on the top right once you are signed up / into Crowdholding. You will notice that now instead of the “Sign up / in” button you can see a picture and your name. Click on the arrow by your name and select from the dropbox “Account”.

Once you have click on “Account” you will have numerous fields where you are able to input information about you.

  • Your Pitch — A quick sentence to describe yourself
  • About — A more detailed description about you.
  • Skills — I.e. Marketing, Sales UI
  • Social — Your social media accounts
  • Wallet Address — The wallet address where you will send your earned tokens

We advise you to fill out all fields and you can choose your privacy settings by going into “Settings” in the drop down menu where “Account” is located. Now you are ready to start co-creating!

Step 3 — Start co-creating by commenting on tasks

To start, click on the “Home” button on the top of the website, this will take you to the main page where there will be the tasks from the startups.

On this page, you can scroll down and find a task that you like. Also you can use the filter to find tasks / bounty campaigns.

Once you have found a task you want to comment on, click on the task and you will be taken to the task page. On the task page you can see what the reward is, when the task expires and other comments from users. Also you are able to upvote responses and make a comment yourself. Remember the better the response, the more stake your receive out of the pool.

Withdrawal Process

After the tokens appear in your account, you are immediately able to withdraw them to your personal wallet. As long as you have at least 500 YUP on your account, you can automatically transfer tokens to the wallet address of your. When you want to move some of the tokens you have earned, then just click on “Withdraw” in your account page. You will see a confirmation page like the one below. Make sure the data is right and then hit “Confirm”.

The process begins after this and a transfer animation just like the one on the picture below would appear.

This should not take too long and then you will arrive at a page confirming the transaction. You can just click “OK” here and go back to your profile page.

After that, the status of the transfer will change to “Started”

Make sure you earn enough tokens by submitting great feedback to the task on our platform. Once you have enough cryptocurrency in your account, you can then withdraw directly into the Ethereum wallet address you have linked to your profile. Crowdholding is introducing the world’s first time-for-token platform designed to support and participate in the growth of businesses.

Have any questions? You can send a message to us via Facebook, or chatting with us on Telegram.



Crowdholding Innovation Platform connects the crowd with entrepreneurs, allowing you to give feedback and ideas for crypto.