Meet the Team: #Aleks

Crowdholding Innovation Platform
3 min readAug 10, 2018


Day by day, Crowdholding is moving forward to new heights and every small achievement brings huge excitement to our team members. The project progress is the team’s motivation to put more and more effort and passion in their work.

In this article, we will focus on one of the staff members and ask them some questions so you can get to know the team behind Crowdholding. Today’s article is about Aleks Bozhinov who is a co-founder and the lead for our Marketing team.

  1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and when you started working at Crowdholding?

It’s always nice to know where someone is from so I will start with that. I was born in the fierce undergrounds of Saint-Petersburg in the 90s. Then my parents moved to Bulgaria where I grew up and got the taste for business. It was at the age of 18 when I decided to relocate to Netherlands for my undergraduate studies and that was that a great choice! I learnt from the Dutch, the love for startups and the art of being direct which moved me towards the entrepreneurial life. I remember that I was still working at Google when I started to also work on Crowdholding in my free time. Some time later, I left my job to work full-time on the idea that will ensure mutual prosperity for businesses and people.

2. What is your role at Crowdholding and what does it entail?

What I am doing at the company encompasses several different roles which makes my days even more interesting. On a normal day, I would start with reviewing our Google Analytics data, then move to Social Media and other statistics. This would give an idea of how our campaigns are performing and what needs to be adjusted to optimise the customer journey. Around mid-day is when I normally schedule calls with potential leads and partners. Afternoon, I usually spend preparing content for future campaigns and giving feedback to other departments. Whenever needed, I get involved in hiring people and organising trainings and fun activities for the team. My goal at the end of the month is to ensure our user, startup and partnership numbers continue to grow with a steady rate.

3. What do you consider your biggest achievement while at Crowdholding?

Setting-up the ground for great intra-team relationship, creating a team that can be both effective at their jobs, but also be able to have fun together.

4. Where do you see Crowdholding going in 2018?

By the end of the year, I see us increasing Crowdholding’s brand awareness in the open innovation and co-creation fields, while growing the daily active crowd to thousands of users.

5. Finally can you tell us 3 interesting facts about you?

  • In my mind, I’m an anarchist and following rules can be harder that it seems.
  • Although lately I’ve livde in mostly rainy countries, I love nature and spending time outside. In my childhood, I wouldn’t come back home after school till it was time to go to sleep or till I heard my parent’s whistling. There were no phones back then so my parent’s whistled from the balcony and I had to hear it from wherever, no other option.
  • I don’t like running. I love playing football for hours, but the idea of running just for the sake of it doesn’t make sense to me.

Aleks recommends to get in touch if you need an advise about Growthhacking, Online marketing, Business Development and culture-building. Also, if you need a speaker for an event or a coach for workshops, connect with me via LinkedIn.

You can also keep up to date with what is happening at Crowdholding by visiting our website or following us on Facebook.



Crowdholding Innovation Platform connects the crowd with entrepreneurs, allowing you to give feedback and ideas for crypto.