Meet our Team: #Jonny

Crowdholding Innovation Platform
3 min readAug 3, 2018

Day by day, Crowdholding is moving forward to new heights and every small achievement brings huge excitement to our team members. The project progress is the team’s motivation to put more and more effort and passion in their work.

In this article, we will focus on one of the staff members and ask them some questions so you can get to know the team behind Crowdholding. Today’s article is about Jonny Dee who is our social media manager.

  1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and when you started working at Crowdholding?

Hello my name is Jonny, I am 28 years old and originally from the UK (Sheffield — The Steel City) I have two younger brothers who are still back in the UK, avid football fan and travel addict (visited over 30 countries). I joined The Crowdholding team all the way back in January 2017.

2. What is your role at Crowdholding and what does it entail?

I am the Social Media / Content Manager at Crowdholding. This means whenever you see a post on social media or any article it has come from me or I have had a look over it. Also being part of the marketing team means we stratergise and find ways to make Crowdholding grow.

3. What do you consider your biggest achievement while at Crowdholding?

I think the overall building of the social media is what I am most proud about, when I joined Crowdholding they only really had a few channels with a very small amount of followers (less than 100 combined over all platforms), now we have a larger reach and we are continuing to grow.

4. Where do you see Crowdholding going in 2018?

I see the sky as the limit! We are consistently growing on a day to day basis, with the amount of users, startups and tasks. I look back at January after we completed our ICO and the amount of users has increased dramatically. If we continue to grow at this rate, i think most of the people who are connected with crypto will know about us at the end of the year.

5. Finally can you tell us 3 interesting facts about you?

  • I am a texture eater, so I don’t like tomatoes and cucumber not because of the taste, but the texture of the vegetables.
  • I use my right hand to write with, but apart from that I use my left hand for any other activities. One day I want to learn to write with my left hand!
  • I have traveled to over 30 countries, and I still want to see more.

Jonny also offers marketing services for ICO’s on numerous social medias and specifically focuses on If you wish to get in contact with him, you can do so by messaging him on Twitter or his LinkedIn page.

You can also keep up to date with what is happening at Crowdholding by visiting our website or following us on Facebook.



Crowdholding Innovation Platform connects the crowd with entrepreneurs, allowing you to give feedback and ideas for crypto.