The Crowdholder of the month goes to…

Crowdholding Innovation Platform
4 min readMar 15, 2018

Crowdholding is all about the users, without them, our platform would simply not work. It is the community giving great feedback to startups that is the heartbeat of the platform. Because of this, we want to show our appreciation to users who are the most active and give the best responses. Our user of the month for February is Steven De Baets who gave feedback to 12 different tasks and in doing so received over 300 YUPs plus three other ERC-20 tokens from the crypto startups on our platform.

Because Steven has been using the platform extensively over the last month, we asked him a few questions about his thoughts and feelings about Crowdholding.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and when did you join Crowdholding?

I’m Steven, 30 years old, graduated with a masters degree in philosophy. Over the years I’ve held several management positions for small to mid-sized companies. A couple of months ago I decided to quit my job and focus full time on crypto. My main motivation for this decision was because I felt that the job(s) I’ve had gave me little satisfaction on a personal level and I didn’t feel appreciated for my effort. There’s this joke that illustrates how I felt about the whole situation:

“Me: Nice new car, boss.

Boss: Well, if you set yourself targets, work hard, stay focused, next year I’ll be able to buy an even nicer one!”

At the moment I’m mainly focused on everything crypto and on the side I like to assist start up companies. Mainly in the form of general advice on all aspects related to their business: e.g. costs, pitfalls, marketing, sales, strategy, etc. This is something I really enjoy doing. I joined Crowdholding around December and on the 14th, 2017 I made my first contribution on the platform.

Why did you join Crowdholding?

Initially I joined the Crowdholding platform to find out what it’s all about; mainly from an investors perspective. The more I learned about Crowdholding and got acquainted with the platform, the more intrigued I was about the possibilities if offers to companies as well as contributors such as me.
I’ve always enjoyed playing around with ideas on a conceptual level, analysing stuff and solving problems. Crowdholding has given me a platform to do so.
Crowdholding to me is like being able to be part of the show ‘shark tank’ where a group of investors judge projects that are presented to them. While I don’t have as comfortable a chair, I do get to enjoy learning about all these exciting and innovative projects. The best part of it is that my thoughts are appreciated and rewarded by the companies posting the tasks and the Crowdholding community voting on the comments.

What are your favourite type of tasks on the platform?

My favorite tasks are related to thinking about projects in general or helping to find ways on how to solve unique issues. I enjoy thinking ‘holistically’; to consider all aspects of the project and trying to see the forest through the trees. This to me is a very satisfying endeavour.

If you had to describe Crowdholding in one sentence, what would it be?

The best quote I’ve read describing Crowdholding was:

It’s like if Kickstarter and Quora had a child that was raised by a forum-run community like Reddit.

I couldn’t put it any better.

Where do you see Crowdholding going in 2018?

I can see Crowdholding growing exponentially in 2018. I’m certain there are many people like me (even outside of the whole cryptocurrency sphere), who enjoy learning about new projects, sharing their thoughts; AND be rewarded for doing so!

Besides a growth in community members, I’m predicting a massive surge in companies applying to use the platform as a way to capitalize on the ‘knowledge of the crowd’ or as a means to reach a bigger audience of potential customers.
As the community grows and the number of tasks on the platform increases I can see the Crowdholding team working their hardest on improving, exploring and expanding the possibilities the platform has to offer. The potential that Crowdholding holds is enormous, reaching far beyond its current form. In summary; I see a bright future ahead!

We would like to say a big thank you to Steven for using and supporting the platform, and now the challenge is on! Do you think you can be the next Crowdholder of the month? Log into our platform, give feedback and earn crypto! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on Telegram.



Crowdholding Innovation Platform connects the crowd with entrepreneurs, allowing you to give feedback and ideas for crypto.